Do we need a Celtics Announcing thread?


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
Guys, I tend to look off the random asides in game threads about something silly (or funny) Scal says on the broadcast. And Mike Gorman is generally the pleasant storytelling bar patron, helping you enjoy your evening a bit more (unless he's making news by saying something rather out of character about Grant Williams).

But Drew Carter... I think we got some real talent there that we ought to talk about. Picked up a Derrick White like acquisition here, but he's currently got junior status under the top two. And I'm hoping we lock him up long term and next year get him a larger role. I'm not alone in that, though he of course has his haters too. He's an active Tweeter, too, gets into the replies and gives us behind-the-scenes clips. And apparently he's also doing Bruins play-by-play sometimes? Talk about your ideal team-player of a junior employee.


On League Pass, I've listened to some other announcing teams, and I'm not sure I've been entertained by any of them as much as I am by the Carter-Scal duo on Cs road games. Tonight he dubbed Luke Kornet "Lord of the Rims" off the top of his head, which had me rolling, as did this line, and honestly he comes up with 2 or 3 things every broadcast that crack me up. Has been trying out nicknames for Pritchard all year, usually tongue-in-cheek. The guy has a wonderfully active mind, keeps it professional but willing to push the envelope on pop culture references, meme references, NBA culture stuff, and is just really quick witted. I enjoy the hell out of listening to him.

Seems like most here generally concur?

jose melendez

Earl of Acie
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Oct 23, 2003
Geneva, Switzerland
I've been regularly watching regular season play for the first time in years, and I think he's quite good. I also like House and Scalabrine has grown on me.

They pass the "Do I like having them as regular guests in my home" test.

DeJesus Built My Hotrod

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Dec 24, 2002
Drew's level of preparation seems pretty remarkable for regular season NBA match ups but its his steez that makes it all work. He's quick witted and his references feel on point.

I am assuming the Cs are renting but not buying with Drew. The gang at Bristol, amongst others, probably have him on their radar.


SoSH Member
Dec 13, 2006
north shore, MA
Hasn't Carter already been announced as the Mike Gorman successor? I think he's in line to do every game starting next year.

And I like him. It took a little while, some of his early games made me question how much he knew or watched the NBA, but I think it's clear now that he knows the game well. He's funny and has a sense of how much to play the role of the homer announcer, without taking himself (or Scal) too seriously.

I'll probably always prefer the wry, understated Mike Gorman approach. Mike was my favorite play-by-play announcer, in any sport, ever. He had it all. The voice, the knowledge of the game, the quick wit, the ability to dial up the excitement at just the right time, but also let the game breathe. But Mike's fastball has been missing for a couple years now, and it's time. I really like Grande a lot, and his style is very different than Drew's, but Drew seems like a good pick. I'm a fan.


SoSH Member
Aug 9, 2009
Drew's level of preparation seems pretty remarkable for regular season NBA match ups but its his steez that makes it all work. He's quick witted and his references feel on point.

I am assuming the Cs are renting but not buying with Drew. The gang at Bristol, amongst others, probably have him on their radar.
Maybe, though didn't he already sign a contract to take over for Gorman as the full-time Celtics PBP guy?

He was a bit cringe early in the season, but has definitely improved over the course of the year. I think Scal has been pretty good at steering him away quickly from some of his more awkward moments.

The Mort Report

SoSH Member
Aug 5, 2007
Drew's level of preparation seems pretty remarkable for regular season NBA match ups but its his steez that makes it all work. He's quick witted and his references feel on point.

I am assuming the Cs are renting but not buying with Drew. The gang at Bristol, amongst others, probably have him on their radar.
He worked for ESPN prior to coming to the Cs

wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
Sean Grande was on Celtics Beat a little bit ago and they had a long discussion about the broadcast situation where Grande suggested that things for next year may not be as set in stone as we might think. (At the approximately 46 minute mark, Grande says, "I said in August that I think 2024 the summer is when everything is kind of going to get decided. How this is going to play out in the future. I still feel that way".) Link to broadcast in spoiler.

Guys, I tend to look off the random asides in game threads about something silly (or funny) Scal says on the broadcast. And Mike Gorman is generally the pleasant storytelling bar patron, helping you enjoy your evening a bit more (unless he's making news by saying something rather out of character about Grant Williams).

But Drew Carter... I think we got some real talent there that we ought to talk about. Picked up a Derrick White like acquisition here, but he's currently got junior status under the top two. And I'm hoping we lock him up long term and next year get him a larger role. I'm not alone in that, though he of course has his haters too. He's an active Tweeter, too, gets into the replies and gives us behind-the-scenes clips. And apparently he's also doing Bruins play-by-play sometimes? Talk about your ideal team-player of a junior employee.

On League Pass, I've listened to some other announcing teams, and I'm not sure I've been entertained by any of them as much as I am by the Carter-Scal duo on Cs road games. Tonight he dubbed Luke Kornet "Lord of the Rims" off the top of his head, which had me rolling, as did this line, and honestly he comes up with 2 or 3 things every broadcast that crack me up. Has been trying out nicknames for Pritchard all year, usually tongue-in-cheek. The guy has a wonderfully active mind, keeps it professional but willing to push the envelope on pop culture references, meme references, NBA culture stuff, and is just really quick witted. I enjoy the hell out of listening to him.

Seems like most here generally concur?
I think Drew is technically good and certainly does his homework. The lines you talk about is something that he definitely workshops before using (he's workshopped a couple on some podcasts) but to me, it's a little bit too "SportsCenterish" for my liking (especially the forced PP nicknames and some of the comic book references) but that's just my personal opinion.

But I do agree with you that the BOS duo is better than most of the other teams I've heard but (again to me) that's because Scal puts a lot more time into knowing basketball than other color commentators. I know I'm in the minority but I think Scal is really good - he knows the game; he watches a ton of other games so he knows the league and not just the Cs; and he tries to explain it all. More than, "They just need to put in more effort" or "They really need to up their intensity" or "They have to work on their mindset."

I have to say, among Scal, Grande, and Carter, BOS has more analytically-minded broadcasters than any other team I can think of. By far.


SoSH Member
Jul 27, 2005
Keepin' it real in Maine
Scal is fine, but there is one thing that he ALWAYS seems to do. He will be really upset by a call, then when they show the replay, he quietly says that the refs got it right. He does this at least once a night and my wife and I have a drinking game based around this.

Yes, my life is sad.

Lose Remerswaal

Experiencing Furry Panic
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SoSH Member
Scal is fine, but there is one thing that he ALWAYS seems to do. He will be really upset by a call, then when they show the replay, he quietly says that the refs got it right. He does this at least once a night and my wife and I have a drinking game based around this.

Yes, my life is sad.
Sorry, bro, but that's not why she drinks. :confused:


SoSH Member
May 3, 2016
Scal has his strengths and weaknesses, like anyone. I appreciate that he seems to know the rule book better than most announcers. as Brad noted above, he not only explains when the refs got it correctly, but explains the rule. A fairly well-known example is face-guarding while boxing out. I do not recall other announcers ever explaining that by rule that is automatically a foul.

Baby Got Daubach

New Member
Apr 23, 2010
Wow--I'm really surprised by all the Drew Carter love in this thread. When the Celts are away and Mike's not announcing, I'll mute the TV or opt for the other team's broadcast crew on League Pass--and I'm also in the minority of those who really enjoy Scal. Drew comes off as so inauthentic to me, from the clearly workshopped nicknames or catch phrases to the try-too-hard banter to the polished radio voice. He often feels like he's trying to force a moment instead of letting the game itself be the moment and playing off of it, like he's never missed an opportunity to try and go viral.

I'd already resigned myself to skipping the Celts broadcast next year after he takes over for Mike so I'm glad there's a chance it could be someone else.

wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
Wow--I'm really surprised by all the Drew Carter love in this thread. When the Celts are away and Mike's not announcing, I'll mute the TV or opt for the other team's broadcast crew on League Pass--and I'm also in the minority of those who really enjoy Scal. Drew comes off as so inauthentic to me, from the clearly workshopped nicknames or catch phrases to the try-too-hard banter to the polished radio voice. He often feels like he's trying to force a moment instead of letting the game itself be the moment and playing off of it, like he's never missed an opportunity to try and go viral.

I'd already resigned myself to skipping the Celts broadcast next year after he takes over for Mike so I'm glad there's a chance it could be someone else.
Honestly curious - do you luke Grande on the radio and/or TV?

The Mort Report

SoSH Member
Aug 5, 2007
Drew unlocks Scal for me. Tommy and Mike built an obviously great duo through years and years together. With Scal, and this is no knock on Mike, he was near the end and just stayed himself and didn't adapt much to Scal's different style. This also made Scal to come across as a bit of a bully and dick since Mike didn't check him. Drew was fairly robotic at the start, but has grown a lot into his role, and if he sticks around I only expect him to improve. He's also made Scal better, creating that big age gaped big brother/little brother shtick that works for them. I think his delivery makes people think he's fake, but I think he's genuine.

Plus, dude threw shade at Felger last night, how can you not like him?


SoSH Member
Nov 28, 2003
Somerville MA
Drew unlocks Scal for me. Tommy and Mike built an obviously great duo through years and years together. With Scal, and this is no knock on Mike, he was near the end and just stayed himself and didn't adapt much to Scal's different style. This also made Scal to come across as a bit of a bully and dick since Mike didn't check him. Drew was fairly robotic at the start, but has grown a lot into his role, and if he sticks around I only expect him to improve. He's also made Scal better, creating that big age gaped big brother/little brother shtick that works for them. I think his delivery makes people think he's fake, but I think he's genuine.

Plus, dude threw shade at Felger last night, how can you not like him?
This is 100% my feeling on it. I think Drew is 100% genuine and enjoying himself, and he makes Scal go from intolerable to mildly entertaining with the better dynamic.


SoSH Member
Feb 12, 2003
where I was last at
I like Drew, his energy, preparedness, confidence and his willingness, even as the new guy to bust Scals balls, which needs busting. He ain't Gorman, but I think the rookie has had a good year, is a pretty decent listen and should get better with time.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Shrewsbury, MA
I think the cringe from Carter is a feature and not a bug. I love the corny nicknames and I love the reactions that they get from Scalabrine.
I do miss the days of Mike and Tommy a bit, but I do not find this new duo offensive at all and wouldn't mind having them around for a long time.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
San Francisco
I like Drew a lot. I prefer House to Scal but Scal is fine, he just needs to stop his "OH YEAH" thing he does for good plays.

Nothing will top Mike and Tommy.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
I like Drew a lot mostly because he seems to be having fun, and have others have said upthread it’s great balance to Scal, who takes it all very seriously.

I think the NBA is the most fun of all the major sports, with the celebrations and in-game flourishes (PP’s behind the back pass last night was sublime; Jaylen’s headhunting, etc), and I think it calls for a PBP guy who recognizes it’s entertainment first and foremost.

Drew can be too silly at times, but he’ll find the line, and if my 17yo kid is any indication (he loves Drew) the Cs are well positioned to appeal to the next generation.

Mike and Tommy were special. We can’t expect anyone to live up to them. But I think Drew and Scal at least honor their tradition.


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
Clip, transcript? How did he throw the shade?
I remember it too, something to the effect of "not even Mike can come up with a reason to be upset about this team". Scal gave him a token "dude, c'mon, you can't say that" but didn't really stick up for Felger all that hard. It definitely made me like Drew even more.

Have absolutely no idea what moment in the game it came in, but if someone has a timestamp I can go cut a clip.

Senator Donut

SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2010
I agree with a lot that has already been said. Carter seems to go into games well-prepared and is very good at laying out for Scal to go on longer/deeper than with Gorman. The downside is that this makes Carter sound like he's reading off a script at times and somewhat removed from the game we're all watching. That's not the worst thing in the world; Grande is way more scripted and I still like him a lot.

One other thing to note is that if you subscribe to League Pass (and everyone whose considering it, should do so, since the NBA has steeply cut the price), you surely understand how awful some of the other 29 commentary teams are. Gorman/Carter and Scal put the Celtics near the top. (Some of my favorites: Brooklyn, New York, Charlotte)


SoSH Member
Feb 21, 2001
Boston, MA
I remember it too, something to the effect of "not even Mike can come up with a reason to be upset about this team". Scal gave him a token "dude, c'mon, you can't say that" but didn't really stick up for Felger all that hard. It definitely made me like Drew even more.

Have absolutely no idea what moment in the game it came in, but if someone has a timestamp I can go cut a clip.
Thanks. That's light stuff, but good for him

wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
The women did a great job tonight. Very enjoyable broadcast.
I thought they were pretty good; they were a little behind the action (something Ian Eagle's kid talked about when he and Dad were on Lowe's podcast) and they didn't say much about DET.

They had really good rapport among them. I also thought that Carrington has a chance to be really good post-career if she wants to. She's very well spoken.

The Mort Report

SoSH Member
Aug 5, 2007
I remember it too, something to the effect of "not even Mike can come up with a reason to be upset about this team". Scal gave him a token "dude, c'mon, you can't say that" but didn't really stick up for Felger all that hard. It definitely made me like Drew even more.

Have absolutely no idea what moment in the game it came in, but if someone has a timestamp I can go cut a clip.
Yeah I looked for it, couldn't find a clip. I checked the gamethread, it looks like it happened around 7:57, right at the end of the third


SoSH Member
Feb 2, 2003
I remember it pretty well but won't get it perfect:
1. There was a promo for Felger that played on air.
2. Drew said "I wonder how he'll spin this one?" Meaning, good luck finding a negative slant to this game.
3. Scal said something like "Nah, he loves (or maybe likes) the Celts". The way he said it, it was pretty clear he didn't really disagree with the take but he was disappointed in Drew for saying it and felt he had to say something in Felger's defense.


SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2013
I like Drew's cringe, because he's calibrating what is actually possible as an announcer.

Too many of the guys on other broadcast teams feel like they're painting by numbers.

If you're not 10% cringe, you're not really trying.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jan 8, 2001
I was unimpressed with the ladies last night. I wanted to be pleasantly surprised at how well they would do

The sideline reporter probably did the best......but she probably has the easiest gig naturally.
Oh and Amina....who was doing her normal job.

At times Abby sounded like she was terrified but she at least tried to have some continuity with the season ("the last time the celts played them..." ) , PBP woman was eh, and the Other Color woman seemed like she was like the wall paper, except when they spoke about her career.

They would obviously get better with practice but last night for a one off....I thought it was below pedestrian.


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
At times Abby sounded like she was terrified but she at least tried to have some continuity with the season ("the last time the celts played them..." ) , PBP woman was eh, and the Other Color woman seemed like she was like the wall paper, except when they spoke about her career.

They would obviously get better with practice but last night for a one off....I thought it was below pedestrian.
Totally agree, Abby Chin was the only thing keeping that from being a trainwreck, but she did admirably enough at it that the experience taken as a whole wasn't jarring, it was just... noticeably worse than the guys who do that job day-in-day-out, which I suppose is to be expected. There was some potential there from Zora Stephenson, whose regular gig is play-by-play for Big Ten Women's BB, so she wasn't new to the gig, just was unprepared.

There was some good general-ball-discussion among the others... but neither of them knew anything about the Celtics or the Pistons (or much about the NBA), so what they were saying only rarely had anything to do with the game they were supposedly commentating on. And I don't mean "Abby had to explain Gino Time", i.e. the idiosyncratic cultural stuff... I mean like not having a handle on how we've rested Al and KP this season, or how Jaylen has improved, or even having a theory about what's gone wrong for Detroit.

Meanwhile, we've got Drew asking Scal on Sunday if he's going to fill out an NCAA bracket, and Scal basically says "I'll probably fill one out, but I really just don't know anything about the college game. I'm an NBA guy, that's all I ever watch", in like really matter-of-fact fashion. Nobody's ever going to ask Scal to guest-star on an NCAA game, because he knows his lane and has stayed in it and doesn't pretend to be a basketball renaissance man. If you're going to go outside your lane like they did on Monday... you'd think "do your homework" is like the minimum expectation.


SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2013
I was unimpressed with the ladies last night. I wanted to be pleasantly surprised at how well they would do
It's pretty hard to just jump in and do something that's not your job, and that you don't plan on being your job going forward.

Felt a bit unfair to the ladies to give them that assignment, and the whole thing could have been better thought out (or not done, or given as an assignment to a promising female broadcaster to showcase her for gigs elsewhere, etc).


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jan 8, 2001
It's pretty hard to just jump in and do something that's not your job, and that you don't plan on being your job going forward.
Agreed. Hence my I hope that they would pleasantly surprise me. Woulda been cool if they had come in and nailed it.

Felt a bit unfair to the ladies to give them that assignment, and the whole thing could have been better thought out (or not done, or given as an assignment to a promising female broadcaster to showcase her for gigs elsewhere, etc).

I think @InstaFace is right in that the whole thing came off as kinda amateurish seemingly because of Prep...or lack there of. Everyone involved should have planned on some prep. ESPECIALLY the people going on air.

If nothing else I guess this is a good indicator that Mikes, Tommys, Scals (and other sports like Don O and Jerrys) job of just "talking" is alot harder then it looks.
Funny/Ironic that Mike constantly reminisces about the first Game with Tommy who told him to throw all his notes away and talk about the game.


SoSH Member
Feb 12, 2003
where I was last at
I was unimpressed with the ladies last night. I wanted to be pleasantly surprised at how well they would do

The sideline reporter probably did the best......but she probably has the easiest gig naturally.
Oh and Amina....who was doing her normal job.

At times Abby sounded like she was terrified but she at least tried to have some continuity with the season ("the last time the celts played them..." ) , PBP woman was eh, and the Other Color woman seemed like she was like the wall paper, except when they spoke about her career.

They would obviously get better with practice but last night for a one off....I thought it was below pedestrian.
It was a nice gesture, but with 3 in a booth, fighting for their own space to be heard, (for some who would prefer less to more) who have never worked together calling a game, and one of the announcers (not Abby) didn't know shit about the Celts (she was surprised by DW defensive skills), did not make for a great dynamic for calling a game.

I thought as a team they were ok, and didn't really add or detract from the game and maybe with time they would develop a nice flow. But last night (for me) wasn't it.

It was a nice gesture.


Drive Carefully
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2005
He worked for ESPN prior to coming to the Cs
This. And, is an ESPN gig really better than what would essentially be a lifetime gig for a Boston sports team?

I mean, I feel like following in the footsteps of guys like Johnny Most, Castiglione, Santos, Cusick, Tommy, Gorman, etc. is a pretty damn good result if you enter that industry. Sean McDonough has carved out a pretty nice career on the national stage, but would anyone be surprised if he said he'd prefer to have just spent 40 years calling Sox games instead? I suppose Drew could have aspirations to be the next Stephen A. Smith and cashing an 8 figure salary each year, or maybe he's got his sights on Costas or Joe Buck or something, but damn, being an announcers for the home teams in Boston for decades upon decades seems to be about as awesome as it gets, IMO.

For the record, I've loved Drew since game one this season, and I love Scal. There are always going to be moments where I don't like something Scal says, but he's one of our guys and he loves our teams, and that's what I want from the guy in the booth next to the PbP guy when I'm watching the local broadcast.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
This. And, is an ESPN gig really better than what would essentially be a lifetime gig for a Boston sports team?

I mean, I feel like following in the footsteps of guys like Johnny Most, Castiglione, Santos, Cusick, Tommy, Gorman, etc. is a pretty damn good result if you enter that industry. Sean McDonough has carved out a pretty nice career on the national stage, but would anyone be surprised if he said he'd prefer to have just spent 40 years calling Sox games instead? I suppose Drew could have aspirations to be the next Stephen A. Smith and cashing an 8 figure salary each year, or maybe he's got his sights on Costas or Joe Buck or something, but damn, being an announcers for the home teams in Boston for decades upon decades seems to be about as awesome as it gets, IMO.

For the record, I've loved Drew since game one this season, and I love Scal. There are always going to be moments where I don't like something Scal says, but he's one of our guys and he loves our teams, and that's what I want from the guy in the booth next to the PbP guy when I'm watching the local broadcast.
Drew has said on more than one occasion that this is his dream job. That might just be telling us what we want to hear, but it seems earnest.

wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
or how Jaylen has improved,
Wasn't Jaylen's improvement part of their open?

Seems like the couple of themes they were really trying to emphasize - as part of their preparation - was Jaylen's improvement and Luke. They really focused on Luke in the first quarter - evening mentioning that he had 3 rebounds partway through the first quarter.

DeJesus Built My Hotrod

Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Dec 24, 2002
Drew has said on more than one occasion that this is his dream job. That might just be telling us what we want to hear, but it seems earnest.
I bet its true.

Also, while everyone is pointing out that Drew already worked for the WWL - and I am the poster who suggested that he may not be long for his seat - I am not only noting all the praise he is getting here.

Like others here I am looking across the NBA PBP landscape and there aren't many up & comers like Drew aside from someone like Noah Eagle and wondering how long it takes before someone tests how deeply he has held a dream with a giant pile of money.

Gene Conleys Plane Ticket

Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2002
I was unimpressed with the ladies last night. I wanted to be pleasantly surprised at how well they would do

The sideline reporter probably did the best......but she probably has the easiest gig naturally.
Oh and Amina....who was doing her normal job.

At times Abby sounded like she was terrified but she at least tried to have some continuity with the season ("the last time the celts played them..." ) , PBP woman was eh, and the Other Color woman seemed like she was like the wall paper, except when they spoke about her career.

They would obviously get better with practice but last night for a one off....I thought it was below pedestrian.
Gotta disagree here. I was impressed, with Abby in particular. At times it was evident that the other three were more or less thrown in to an unfamiliar situation. But especially given thought, I thought they did a great job. Abby being the one who has covered the Celtics for a decade or more pretty much had to anchor the whole thing.

Kayla Burton, the sideline reporter, I thought also did a decent job though she seemed a little overwhelmed — despite being a local product (Steve Burton's daughter). But she held her own imho.

Zora Stephenson didn't miss a beat with the play-by-play. And though I like Drew Carter, sometimes his announcer-bro vocal inflections and endless attempts at signature calls and gimmicky nicknames is a bit much. Zora's straight-ahead approach was a welcome break from that, for me at least. Dijonai Carrington felt a bit awkward to me at first, but she seemed to get more comfortable as the game went along. Again, tough assignment but I thought she handled it reasonably well.

Jennifer Rizzotti and Ashley Battle both work for the Celtics, so they clearly knew what they were talking about. I wouldn't mind seeing one or both added to the in-sudio mix on a regular basis. And I've always felt Amina was terrific. Gonna miss her. I'm sure she'll do well at ESPN, but there's something about being on ESPN that makes literally anyone irritating, so we'll see.
Last edited:


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2010
Grande has been my favorite broadcaster in all of Boston sports for years now, and that's no shade at anyone else (except DOB). Like many others I think Mike lost his fastball, probably around the time they made him call games remotely during Covid. I've been looking forward to/hoping that Grande would eventually be the guy to take Mike's place so I was rather abruptly disappointed when I first heard this Drew guy was the heir apparent.

Consider that disappointment gone. Drew has it all. Great voice, knowledgeable, prepared, fun, makes everyone else better. Sure he comes off like he's trying too hard sometimes, but it also feels genuine and earnest. He strikes me as the kind of broadcaster who can connect with modern viewers in a way that will help build the audience. Consider me excited to hear more of Drew and see how he evolves.


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
"P. Rabbit" and all the 8 Mile jokes last night from Drew was great stuff. That and the Scal Venmo business. They're really approaching Remy - Orsillo levels of chemistry at times.


SoSH Member
Jul 4, 2007
I’m very happy with Drew Carter as Mike Gorman’s successor. The safe play would’ve been to elevate Sean Grande, but this ownership group is really playing chess. I’m generally a Scal fan, but last night, when they asked him which of the potential first round opponents the Celtics would prefer, he made it about himself, and what city he would prefer to visit. It would’ve probably been OK if he mentioned it once, but he turned it into a long-term bit and I found it really annoying. I can see why there are Scal haters out there