Jrue Deal for Holiday


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2004
Identical to the extension he signed 3 years ago, obviously slightly less valuable (to him) given inflation and a rising cap, but definitely good for him considering this is for his mid 30s, rather than early 30s. Expensive, but everything is gonna be expensive now, and getting this done is good vibes for the playoffs.


SoSH Member
Aug 9, 2009
All guaranteed?

I kinda thought Jrue might be the one to go, mostly because the tax for Wyc will get crazy and seems hard to imagine we can keep everyone.

But it’s not my money and he definitely fits with the current group.


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2010
I'm so fucking hyped right now. I absolutely love Jrue and think he's about to remind everyone how elite talent like his shines brightest in the playoffs. He keeps his body in great shape and excels with technique and strength so I'm totally expecting him to play at an elite level for several more years.

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
So good.

This core is a fucking wagon. You keep it around for whatever it costs and ride it as long as you can.

Awesome awesome awesome job not letting him get to free agency.


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Apr 17, 2003
All guaranteed?

I kinda thought Jrue might be the one to go, mostly because the tax for Wyc will get crazy and seems hard to imagine we can keep everyone.

But it’s not my money and he definitely fits with the current group.
Agreed, so this increases my optimism that they are simply going to pay what it takes to be great.

Fingers crossed.


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
All guaranteed?

I kinda thought Jrue might be the one to go, mostly because the tax for Wyc will get crazy and seems hard to imagine we can keep everyone.

But it’s not my money and he definitely fits with the current group.
Heh! I was gonna say identically “It’s not my money!” It’s about what I’d expect Jrue’s side to demand with the only question being whether Wyc would pony up. It’s not my money.

No chance this wasn’t all but agreed to when they made the trade.
Very likely the case especially with how Jrue easily and comfortably sacrificed his own personal numbers.


SoSH Member
Feb 2, 2003
I think this can only be good news regarding White. I don't see them giving this money to Jrue unless they were prepared to do what it takes to keep White long term. In other words, if you can only keep one, you keep White, so this is s sign they are planning to keep both.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
One of the reasons I love this is that it removes any uncertainty heading into the playoffs. The team knows he will be sticking around, he knows he will be sticking around, there are no conflicts of interest. Now just go win it all, then win 1-2 more, and who cares what the contract looks like in 3 years.

Red Averages

owes you $50
SoSH Member
Apr 20, 2003
All guaranteed?

I kinda thought Jrue might be the one to go, mostly because the tax for Wyc will get crazy and seems hard to imagine we can keep everyone.

But it’s not my money and he definitely fits with the current group.
I’d put -250 odds on it being Jaylen in 2 years barring two consecutive championships and a different way to save cash that miraculously drops in their laps.

Also DWhite is effectively done or there is at a minimum “an understanding” from what I’ve been told.

Either way this is the team for the next two years.


SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2006
So while this adds money long term, he actually saves them $35M in tax next year by taking a $7.3M paycut off his player option


used to be tbb
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
No chance this wasn’t all but agreed to when they made the trade.
Bingo. I’ve maintained this all along. Celtics have a very good relationship with his agent, they agreed to the trade. No way he was going anywhere.

I must admit I thought the contract would be more like 4/124 but who gives a shit. Most important thing is he’s going to be around.

Now lock up D White. Let’s give this top 8 at least 2 years together (Al retiring is the only reason why I didn’t say 3)

Banners live forever. Wyc can afford not getting another private jet or making his great grandkid not getting a Ferrari without working a day in his life

Red Averages

owes you $50
SoSH Member
Apr 20, 2003
So while this adds money long term, he actually saves them $35M in tax next year by taking a $7.3M paycut off his player option
Yup. All about payroll flexibility in the near term. Good catch. And great job by Zarren and Co.


SoSH Member
Feb 2, 2003
He had a $39.5m player option for next year, so this can be viewed as an additonal 3 years on top of that at $95.5 million?


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA


great news. And not just for keeping Jrue. This was the "odd man out" contract - if things were going to get too rich for Wyc's blood, this was the one to jettison, because they're obviously going to max Tatum and give White all the dollars they're allowed to give him. So signing this means we're going to be in on the rest, too. Probably Hauser, but definitely White. We'll still be able to trade any of the guys in a year or two if necessary, but at least it's now very likely that this group rides again, at least for next year.


Granite Truther
SoSH Member
Nov 2, 2007
Santa Monica
+1. Keeping the band together

Brad & Glushon had the parameters of this deal done before the PDX trade was even completed.

Pricey compared to KP's extension but it's not OUR money. Wyc/Steve can sell a stake to MGM for a few billion, and retain control (Cuban deal).

White is a done deal this Summer at $122MM/4yrs

Get Hauser extension done & sign either Luke/Tillman (or both :redwine:)
Last edited:

Saints Rest

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Does anyone have any sense as to the value to ownership — in real dollars, not just ego — of a championship?
I feel like GSW was a loser of a franchise pre-Curry. They spent a ton, including tax dollars, to earn all those chips, and I’m sure their franchise value ballooned, but how did those two things balance out?
How about revenues from merchandise? And all those playoff home games?


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Apr 17, 2003
The math on that is complex---some of the benefit is ancillary cash flows (merchandise, local tv, local sponsorships, tickets, local partnerships). Some is enterprise value going up. My undestanding is Celtics have a set of owners, and so the benefit may also be allocated amongst them in ways that are not visible or obvious.

One big factor in GS favor is they owned (and developed) the new stadium, which is a huge cash cow. The Celtics don't have that benefit---they are essentially a glorified tenant of the Bruins.

Another possible consideration: Pagliuca is very politically active; having a very successful sports franchise you can point to is helpful there as well.

The limited analysis I've seen suggests that, as you'd imagine, if you build a dynasty it pays for itself. But it is also easy to overpay for one title.

My guess, without deep financial knowledge but having watched this ownership group over the years (they paid tax during Garnett years) is that they are going to do a couple big years of spending here.


Granite Truther
SoSH Member
Nov 2, 2007
Santa Monica
Does anyone have any sense as to the value to ownership — in real dollars, not just ego — of a championship?
I feel like GSW was a loser of a franchise pre-Curry. They spent a ton, including tax dollars, to earn all those chips, and I’m sure their franchise value ballooned, but how did those two things balance out?
How about revenues from merchandise? And all those playoff home games?
Golden State Warriors franchise value in 2023 (est) $7.7B

GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS sold for $450 million in July 2010 (that was pricey compared to other NBA teams)
Curry joined in 2009



Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Apr 17, 2003
Golden State Warriors franchise value in 2023 (est) $7.7B

GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS sold for $450 million in July 2010 (that was pricey compared to other NBA teams)
Curry joined in 2009

True, but the baseline increase in franchise value is pretty large as well: Knicks were worth $586 mil in Dec 2009 and without winning anything at all were worth $6.6 billion in 2023.

GS winning probably explains how they went from roughly 30% less valuable than the Knicks to roughly 16% more valuable though


SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2005
I love this. Heck, I love Jrue (y'know, in a manly remote keyboard dude kind of way).

And I wanted to add that I think banners have value. And then folks who know way more about this than I do chimed in...

Does anyone have any sense as to the value to ownership — in real dollars, not just ego — of a championship?
I feel like GSW was a loser of a franchise pre-Curry. They spent a ton, including tax dollars, to earn all those chips, and I’m sure their franchise value ballooned, but how did those two things balance out?
How about revenues from merchandise? And all those playoff home games?
True, but the baseline increase in franchise value is pretty large as well: Knicks were worth $586 mil in Dec 2009 and without winning anything at all were worth $6.6 billion in 2023.

GS winning probably explains how they went from roughly 30% less valuable than the Knicks to roughly 16% more valuable though
FWIW, I think banner 18 is the most valuable one of all. Until 19...


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Apr 17, 2003
Talking ownership math, the other thing to note is a great time to sell high is after a couple titles with a core intact. So that is also a possible scenario (or, if one is cynical, part of the plan).

But my guess remains they just want to win and have decided to spend for a few years, and likely have made plenty since they last paid heavy taxes anyway