Kirk and Callahan: Done


Mar 19, 2008
You can say that the Dennis and Callahan formula has worked for ten years and point to the ratings, the salaries of the two hosts and the amount of money that they bring to WEEI and I agree. However, there really isn't much in ways of competition and I am certain that if a strong competitor did emerge, Dennis and Callahan would be running for cover. There's a reason why D&C didn't leave EEI last year for WBCN or another station and that's because they knew that if they ever left Brighton, they'd be fucked, plain and simple. I can guarantee that they'd have a quarter of the ratings they have now and whom ever replaced them would be kicking their collective ass up and down the dial.
As penurious as WEEI seems to be , I'm surprised that they didn't just let D&C walk last year. Callahan was out for months and the ratings didn't go down. They could have gotten two new hosts for half the bucks.

If they left 'EEI, they'd be be dead. 'EEI has all the connections to the local teams. That's what attracts the listeners, not the "talent" of D&C.

By the way, Imus has gained ground in the ratings, while D&C have slipped a little. Stay tuned for personal attacks on Imus, his wife, and kid. I'm sure that this won't set well with these no-class assholes.


Drive Carefully
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2005
Death, it's not so much that Callahan is a pompous windbag, it's that he's a loud, pompous windbag with no give. Sports radio is full of pompous loud mouths, like Glenn Ordway or Mike Felger. And that's how you get on the air, you have to be steadfast in your convictions -- I completely understand this. One of the reasons why I think Bob Lobel or Larry Johnson is so terrible in this format is that they don't take a side.

But Callahan is a special kind of asshole in that in his own mind, he's never, ever, ever, ever wrong. Not even a smidgen. He doesn't want discourse on his show, he wants a pulpit to yell and scream what he thinks is the way the world should be run. He has surpassed the role of curmudgeon and is teetering on the brink of being a right-wing lunatic. Nothing makes this person happy. The day after the Celtics won the title he was bitching about Deval Patrick NOT going to the parade. Who cares? The Celts just utterly destroyed their rivals and he's worried about who is going to be at the parade.

There are two ways to do talk radio, one is to just talk and never take calls or do what D&C allege to do and that is open the airwaves up for other people's opinions. Obviously, not all opinions are created equally, and conversations that go no where need to be dumped but for Callahan to shout down or belittle anything that runs contrary to his beliefs is a waste of my time, the caller's time and Callahan's time. Furthermore, I'm not sure that he really does understand politics in the United States as you contend. And that's not because I'm not on his side of the scope. From my listening to Callahan, I've come to the conclusion that he views the world in black and white (not racial, just extremes) and is firmly entrenched in either your with me or against me sort of mentality. There's a reason that Gerry Callahan writes sports and it's not because he has an uncanny understanding of the games.
See that bolded part JMOH, that's the "act" that I'm talking about. That's the persona that comes across on the radio, but I find it virtually impossible to believe that this is the person he is. I'm fine with all of the criticisms of him with respect to shouting people down, the stubborness, the refusal to hear the other side of the argument, etc. I agree with all of that, but it's the conclusion that he views the world the way he comes across on the radio that I think is wrong. He's simply much smarter and much more knowledgable than anyone who doesn't read him or consistently listen to him can possibly understand. I honestly, deep down, believe that these guys go into the offices at 4:00 a.m. and start looking over the "issues" of the day, and at times, they actually sit down and say "Ok, John, you take this position, I'll take this one and Meter, you come in and do this..." After listening to them for so long, it's plain as day when they are running off a script and when they are free-flowing, and when they are free-flowing, I think Callahan can be as reasonable and rational as anyone.

This is how children and the mentally slow argue. Greg, you seem like a pretty successful attorney and while I've seen firsthand how you hold firm on a lot of issues, you also know the art of compromise. Callahan does not know this; it's either his way or the highway. And like I said, if he was monologing, that's fine, but he's in an industry where he needs to have some sort of give-and-take with the audience. He does not do this for a vast majority of his callers. This is what's the most frustrating aspect of the Dennis and Callahan show.

Howard Stern used to do this same thing too and while I loved Howard, it was one of the worst parts of his show because he's either getting his balls licked by sycophants or he's yelling at someone who had the termasity to disagree with him.
See, I don't think he needs to have a give-and-take with the audience. I think it's what makes people tune in. I honestly believe that the formula to being successful in talk radio isn't just being controversial, but being controversial, semi-intelligent AND most importantly, being different than your audience. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the guy leading the ratings is a right-wing conservative in a deep Blue state. How far he is willing to go is what separates him from the Felger's and [insert generic radio personality here].

You can say that the Dennis and Callahan formula has worked for ten years and point to the ratings, the salaries of the two hosts and the amount of money that they bring to WEEI and I agree. However, there really isn't much in ways of competition and I am certain that if a strong competitor did emerge, Dennis and Callahan would be running for cover. There's a reason why D&C didn't leave EEI last year for WBCN or another station and that's because they knew that if they ever left Brighton, they'd be fucked, plain and simple. I can guarantee that they'd have a quarter of the ratings they have now and whom ever replaced them would be kicking their collective ass up and down the dial.
I disagree. I think they would suffer by making any move, that's for sure, but getting their asses kicked. Not a chance. They could barely find replacements for them while they were out. The only time in the past 20 years when EEI wasn't on my car radio was when they were out and Larry Johnson or some other douchebag filled in for them. Going to BCN isn't like Stern leaving for satellite radio. Stern's act was original 30 years ago, but now Matty in the Morning and a half-dozen others are doing the same shit, minus the swears, so getting folks to crossover is a problem. D&C are not just original, they are good at what they do. They keep the conversations interesting. They keep the audience entertained.

Every form of entertainment needs a villain. Callahan plays the role to a T.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
See that bolded part JMOH, that's the "act" that I'm talking about. That's the persona that comes across on the radio, but I find it virtually impossible to believe that this is the person he is. I'm fine with all of the criticisms of him with respect to shouting people down, the stubborness, the refusal to hear the other side of the argument, etc. I agree with all of that, but it's the conclusion that he views the world the way he comes across on the radio that I think is wrong. He's simply much smarter and much more knowledgable than anyone who doesn't read him or consistently listen to him can possibly understand. I honestly, deep down, believe that these guys go into the offices at 4:00 a.m. and start looking over the "issues" of the day, and at times, they actually sit down and say "Ok, John, you take this position, I'll take this one and Meter, you come in and do this..." After listening to them for so long, it's plain as day when they are running off a script and when they are free-flowing, and when they are free-flowing, I think Callahan can be as reasonable and rational as anyone.
Greg, if that's an act, then he's really wasting his talent in Boston. I don't doubt that your theory of them coming into the office at 4:00 and drawing straws over who has to defend an indefensible part of an argument. That is more than obvious on a lot of their stuff. You can actually hear Meter straining to make some sort of argument as D&C rolls over him.

And I also agree with your last statement. When John and Gerry were on at 10 am or when Callahan was on the Big Show, he was easily one of my favorite guest hosts. He was smart, quick witted, he more than held his own against Shaughnessy or Ryan. But, something happened when he moved to the mornings, I don't know whether he was told by management to be more "edgy" or whether he felt that he needed to foster a personality, but he's not the same on the radio as he was or as he is in print.

Maybe that lends more credence to your argument, but in the long run, I don't give a shit if he's a smart and nice guy off the air. For the amount of time that I listen to him in the morning, he's an asshole. It's sort of like the argument where there's a guy batting .200, but he's an awesome teammate. Who cares, what matters is what you're like on the job.

See, I don't think he needs to have a give-and-take with the audience. I think it's what makes people tune in. I honestly believe that the formula to being successful in talk radio isn't just being controversial, but being controversial, semi-intelligent AND most importantly, being different than your audience. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the guy leading the ratings is a right-wing conservative in a deep Blue state. How far he is willing to go is what separates him from the Felger's and [insert generic radio personality here].
But that's a big part of his job. It's like if a plumber didn't feel like unplugging toilets. He could be good at the rest of the stuff, but he's missing a big part of his job. If he doesn't want to take calls, that's ok (I'd actually prefer that because most callers are idiots) then he should say something to management or at least be a big boy and talk like an adult. Yelling, screaming and bullying your way through an argument isn't good radio. It's just not, no matter what your political affiliation is.

I disagree. I think they would suffer by making any move, that's for sure, but getting their asses kicked. Not a chance. They could barely find replacements for them while they were out. The only time in the past 20 years when EEI wasn't on my car radio was when they were out and Larry Johnson or some other douchebag filled in for them. Going to BCN isn't like Stern leaving for satellite radio. Stern's act was original 30 years ago, but now Matty in the Morning and a half-dozen others are doing the same shit, minus the swears, so getting folks to crossover is a problem. D&C are not just original, they are good at what they do. They keep the conversations interesting. They keep the audience entertained.
The ratings stayed pretty much the same for the six weeks that they were out. EEI is such a machine it really doesn't matter who is on the radio.


SoSH Member
Feb 3, 2006
Red Sox Natin
...If he doesn't want to take calls, that's ok (I'd actually prefer that because most callers are idiots)...
Something I will say that is perhaps slightly analogous to deathofthebambino's position is that there *is* pretty obviously a deliberate effort to keep the show adversarial, loud, and somewhat outrageous, and one of the easiest ways to do that is by letting idiot callers skip to the head of the line. Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh didn't get where they are by airing thoughtful dissertations from Oxford professors, and for good or ill, rightly or wrongly, there is a widespread perception that the way to build ratings is to have polarized, over-simplified shouting matches.

It's entirely possible that Callahan's schtick is just that, and that by day and off the air, he's a mellow, good-natured, vegetarian pacifist who reads the classics in ancient greek and sings secular anthems of inclusion at the Unitarian Church (or whatever, not sure I would like that guy any better, but you get the idea).

I agree entirely though with the premise that what matters for purposes of the discussion at hand is his on-air personality. He always seems to be in a bad mood, and angry at anyone who isn't. Even when I agree with him, he is exhausting and painful to listen to. His outlook is cynical, grouchy, accusatory, and more than a little abusive. Schtick or no, who likes a guy like that, whatever his opinions? Who wants to hang out with him first thing in the morning? It'd be one thing if he were a particularly witty, insightful, funny, charming, or original curmudgeon, but he's not. He's just a meanspirited prick with an apparent little guy complex. The only answer I can think of is equally unhappy and unpleasant people who find his vitriol validating, or maybe people with a meanspirited or tweaked sense of humor who find shouting matches intrinsically amusing.

His worldview has none of the optimism, none of the faith in his fellow man, none of belief that the best is yet to come that defines the best conservative thought. It sometimes seems as though he is "conservative" because that outlook offers the most opportunities and justifications for punishing people. He appears to have essentially zero grasp of economics except for a generalized hostility towards people who are significantly richer or poorer than the upper middle class, and his knee-jerk dislike of anything and everything civil-rights teeters on the brink of outright racism. At times it seems that any improvement in black or poor neighborhoods or schools is bad news to him (unless it can be directly attributed to republican policy), as though the enemies are taking something from him. Which is, of course, exactly the opposite of free-market economic theory. He simultaneously seems to really have it in for the very rich and the super-successful, again, in stark contrast to conservative economics. For that matter, it generally seems as though anybody who isn't him or just like him must be up to no good and getting more than they deserve. If he were not making any money, I suspect he'd be a communist.

His expressed knowledge of sports is adequate for general conversation at best. If I were a gambling man, I'd bet pretty good odds on JMOH's contention that the majority draw to their show is circumstance, e.g. the car radios still on the station from last night's game, the regional sports-obsession generally, and the default status of the station in local sports radio.

But honestly, it doesn't really matter to me why people listen to WEEI in the mornings, anymore than it matters to me why many southerners scoop up and eat picked pig's feet by the handful out of public jars on gas station counters. Maybe they'd feel the same way about eating lobster, or whatever. But some things are just not pleasurable experiences, and Gerry Callahan is one of them, for me. Especially at 0600.


New Member
Jul 21, 2005
If Howie Carr had landed that morning slot he almost moved into D&C would have been toast ! Carr would have flushed them down the shit-hole. No doubt Callahan plays it up for the morning dopes, but after all these years I think most people "get" who & what Callahan angry, small, twisted little shit.

It would have been funny to see him in those sensitivity classes after the famous great ape escape situation.


SoSH Member
I don't understand this "signal" argument. I live very close to Burlington and never had a problem getting 1510's signal nor have I ever had a problem getting ESPN's signal.
You're the only person I've ever heard say this. Ever. 1510's signal was notoriously terrible.
Since 2001, the (Celtics have) been struggling with bad ratings and a bad signal on AM 1510 WWZN. The move to Entercom brings them back to an established station with a better, if not overwhelming, signal.


Drive Carefully
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2005
You're the only person I've ever heard say this. Ever. 1510's signal was notoriously terrible.
Like I said, I've never lived more than 10 miles from where their signal was originating, so I never had any issues at all, other than the fact that the station completely sucked.

Razor Shines

Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
Magoun Sq
Any transcript from Curt Schilling's interview? I assume it'll be posted today anyway.
The highlights I can remember:

- It's time for the team and Manny to part ways.
- Francona has had to get tough with Manny several times this year in incidents previously unknown to the media.
- He likes Jason Bay.
- He would let Jason Bay have his #38 for a 5-figure donation to Curt's Pitch. (Bay wears #38 in Pittsburgh).
- He admires Joba's ability, but the headhunting isn't how the game is played. "We have guys who can throw 97 MPH too..."
- He let a "shit" bomb slip on the air, I forget the context.


stands for life, liberty and the uturian way of li
SoSH Member
Aug 18, 2001
The highlights I can remember:

- It's time for the team and Manny to part ways.
- Francona has had to get tough with Manny several times this year in incidents previously unknown to the media.
- He likes Jason Bay.
- He would let Jason Bay have his #38 for a 5-figure donation to Curt's Pitch. (Bay wears #38 in Pittsburgh).
- He admires Joba's ability, but the headhunting isn't how the game is played. "We have guys who can throw 97 MPH too..."
- He let a "shit" bomb slip on the air, I forget the context.
You know, I was convinced that Manny was going to get moved, but with Carroll saying it's done, and Schilling supporting it, I'm now convinced that Manny Ramirez will be playing shortstop for Boston next week.


Ronald Bartel
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
When asked how the Joba / Youks issue gets resolved G38 responded that he hoped that Joba gets "Charlie Browned" by a Youk line drive the next time they face each other.

I lol'ed.


Mar 19, 2008
I have an intense dislike for Gerry Callahan, but I found very little to disagree with in Friday's article in the Herald.


New Member
Jul 25, 2008
I have an intense dislike for Gerry Callahan, but I found very little to disagree with in Friday's article in the Herald.

I agree. Gerry wrote a terrific article about "Manny the man" not "Manny the baseball player". Individuals (especially in this forum) forget that Manny is just a person, he is nothing more and nothing less. Despite his abiltiy to hit a baseball, Manny offers little to society or the organization which he works for.

The article for me raised some questions:

Is it all about the "bottom line".? Are professional athletes so idolized that fans are willing to overlook the individual values of "the man" not "the player?

Callahan did not write a eulogy for Manny Ramirez "the future hall of famer". Callahan did not elaborate on how many career home runs Manny has hit, instead he discussed the selfishness of Manny. Instead he discussed the character flaws of Manny Ramirez.

Not extending an hello to sick kids? Not having the time to visit wounded soldiers? Being mutually disrespected by the veterans in the clubhouse? Pushing a man who has never had public problems with any other players?

Gerry wrote a brilliant and engaging article expressing that Manny did not leave this city a folk hero. Instead he will leave as Gerry calls him "a bum".


SoSH Member
Jul 8, 2000
I agree. Gerry wrote a terrific article about "Manny the man" not "Manny the baseball player". Individuals (especially in this forum) forget that Manny is just a person, he is nothing more and nothing less. Despite his abiltiy to hit a baseball, Manny offers little to society or the organization which he works for.
The article for me raised some questions:

Is it all about the "bottom line".? Are professional athletes so idolized that fans are willing to overlook the individual values of "the man" not "the player?

Callahan did not write a eulogy for Manny Ramirez "the future hall of famer". Callahan did not elaborate on how many career home runs Manny has hit, instead he discussed the selfishness of Manny. Instead he discussed the character flaws of Manny Ramirez.

Not extending an hello to sick kids? Not having the time to visit wounded soldiers? Being mutually disrespected by the veterans in the clubhouse? Pushing a man who has never had public problems with any other players?

Gerry wrote a brilliant and engaging article expressing that Manny did not leave this city a folk hero. Instead he will leave as Gerry calls him "a bum".
I understand that Callahan is a columnist and his job is to express his opinion and get a reaction. In fact I don't read him because I rarely if ever agree with his opinion and have grown tired of his act (re: WEEI). However, it took me a whole 5 seconds to google Manny Ramirez charity to find out that Manny the person is donating money to flood relief in his native Dominican republic, gives to the CHARLEE program for abused children, donated a 67 continental to charity (Franciscan Hospital), and visited the sick kids at the Franciscan hospital.

That doesn't sound like a BUM to me.

Everything Callahan wrote is true, I don't doubt any of it, all it shows to me is that Manny has flaws in his personality, just like everyone else. He won't leave here as "a bum" to me, he'll leave as goofy and child-like but still the guy who helped bring two WS to Boston and actually played to the level of his contract. I'm sorry to see him go, but I understand that it was best for everyone involved.

With respect to Callahan, does anyone really wonder why people consider him racist? I don't know him personally, just the personality that he chooses to show in print and on the radio and a lot of what he writes and says can easily be construed as racist.


Mar 19, 2008
However, it took me a whole 5 seconds to google Manny Ramirez charity to find out that Manny the person is donating money to flood relief in his native Dominican republic, gives to the CHARLEE program for abused children, donated a 67 continental to charity (Franciscan Hospital), and visited the sick kids at the Franciscan hospital.
That's interesting. I thought that a greedy, selfish asshole who thinks only of himself, wouldn't have given anything to anyone. But, if it's on the internet, it must be true. Did it say how much he's given? Just curious.


SoSH Member
I would be surpised if KKKallahan didn't have a raging hard-on as he "wrote" that piece. Charlie Pierce hit the nail on the head when he said the gist of that column was "Manny hates kids with cancer".

I know I sound like Ras talking about religion, but I can't express enough hatred for that guy. I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.


New Member
Jul 25, 2008
Gerry is by no means a racist. He "holds people accountable for there actions", something that peopke on this board rarely do.

To label someone a racist one must have a substantial amount of evidence. Gerry criticizes fireman who are collecting disability while also participating in weightlifting competitions, he also as problems with The Clintons, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi and others who he has differences with. Gerry maybe a "democrat hater" or "liberal hater" but he is by no means racist. When he insults Joe Morgan he is just stating the obvious, when he insults Barack Obama he is in agreement with over half of America.

Who is a racist...... Al Sharption

Who genually dislikes liberals and liberal causes? Who hold people accountable for there actions....... Garry Callahan


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
San Francisco
Gerry is by no means a racist. He "holds people accountable for there actions", something that peopke on this board rarely do.
To label someone a racist one must have a substantial amount of evidence. Gerry criticizes fireman who are collecting disability while also participating in weightlifting competitions, he also as problems with The Clintons, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi and others who he has differences with. Gerry maybe a "democrat hater" or "liberal hater" but he is by no means racist. When he insults Joe Morgan he is just stating the obvious, when he insults Barack Obama he is in agreement with over half of America.
Who is a racist...... Al Sharption
Who genually dislikes liberals and liberal causes? Who hold people accountable for there actions....... Garry Callahan
Racism is not a yes/no proposition. It is a matter of degrees. And when it comes to Gerry Callahan, I would say that he is closer to the Racist end of the spectrum than most, or at least most in the media. By no means racist? Remember when he and Dennis had that conversation about the Gorilla that had escaped being a METCO kid?

I also have a big problem with your defense of his insults towards Obama. Half of America feels the need to insult Obama? This is wrong and patently absurd. Your logic is that since (a little less than) half of the country prefers John McCain to Barack Obama, the people that prefer McCain must regularly insult Obama's person. Get out of here.


New Member
Dec 15, 2007
Racism is not a yes/no proposition. It is a matter of degrees. And when it comes to Gerry Callahan, I would say that he is closer to the Racist end of the spectrum than most, or at least most in the media.
We could even come up with a racism quiz. Each "yes" answer puts you closer to the "racist" extreme.
  1. Do you think that most rap music spreads bad values?
  2. Do you think that affirmative action is wrong?
  3. Do you think that showing the other player up is bad sportsmanship?

Mad Johnny

New Member
Mar 13, 2008
From what I hear here, Callahan sounds like a classic Troller who is just looking for a reaction. Unfortunately people are going to continually take the bait, but at least you can just pop in a cd of your favorite music or just turn off the radio and do something else.


Mar 19, 2008
Any one notice that Felger shouts for the entire show and he says "at the end of the day" constantly.

He's better than D&C and certainly better than Mustard and Johnson, but still annoying.


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Any one notice that Felger shouts for the entire show and he says "at the end of the day" constantly.

He's better than D&C and certainly better than Mustard and Johnson, but still annoying.
Call me crazy, but I don't mind Felger in the morning.

I know he's not "Mr. Baseball," but he's definitely become much more informed on the subject, and though he may try to be a contrarian to stir more of a reaction, he at least puts up statistics in defense of his argument. The stats he cites may not always be 100% relevant, but it's better than just throwing stuff out of the blue (Meter).

When put with a more baseball-centered co-host, like Rob Bradford, I don't see how anybody can complain about the lack of baseball banter when Felger hosts. I would even contest that Felger's baseball knowledge is on-par with Michael Holley's, a guy who I, and most people enjoy.

And there's no question about the fact that Felger knows his football, and can carry a show when football is the topic of choice.

Too bad ESPN 890 didn't try to bring Felger on to a host a local morning show, as I feel a local sports talk alternative would be able to hold its own against 'Dennis and Callahan.'


Mar 19, 2008
I have to say that I listened to every show this week. I usually pick out the interviews only, Schilling, Remy, Brady, Rivers, etc. mainly because I can't stand Callahan. Felger was not nearly as annoying as I remembered him. Dickerson is still an air-head though. I think I heard him say that George Bush was a coke head. Say what you will, but I've never heard him called that before.

Did I hear them say something about Meter not having a contract? I'd love to see that little creep leave.


my real name is Ben
SoSH Member
Jun 14, 2001
There have been rumblings for years about Bush's alleged coke use from his Houston bachelor playboy days up to his dad's presidential inaugural. Not saying they're true (though I wouldn't be surprised), but it's been out there very publicly for a long time.

Back on topic, I'm not offended by conservative politics -- I'm conservative myself on a lot of issues. It's Callahan's sneering, bullying, persona that bugs me. And I don't think it's beyond the pale to say he comes across as racist. I don't know what's in his heart, but he comes off that way. Really, the only time he ever seems to discuss a sports issue that has nothing to do with Boston is when a black athlete (Bonds, Pacman, TO) gets in trouble. I have no scientific data, it's just what I've noticed over the years. The only thing to counter that might be Clemens, but that definitely has a Boston tilt since the guy played here for 13 years and Boston fans are still obsessed with him.

And as much as Morgan sucks as an analyst, Callahan spends an awful lot of time ranting about him when there are far worse out there (McCarver, anyone?).

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
And as much as Morgan sucks as an analyst, Callahan spends an awful lot of time ranting about him when there are far worse out there (McCarver, anyone?).
Tune in tomorrow. I haven't watched the MNF broadcast, but I can guarantee that they will smash Tony Kornheiser with a Morgan-level vigor.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Ugh. More Manny talk.

Do you guys know that there was a rift between Manny and the front office? Apparently it's true. Good thing Gerry Callahan is around to break this news to us FOUR FUCKING WEEKS AFTER IT OCCURRED. Nice job, Scoop.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, Ma
Ugh. More Manny talk.

Do you guys know that there was a rift between Manny and the front office? Apparently it's true. Good thing Gerry Callahan is around to break this news to us FOUR FUCKING WEEKS AFTER IT OCCURRED. Nice job, Scoop.
They're unbearable, they literally never talk about the previous nights game, and 95% of their show is Manny bashing.

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
Ugh. More Manny talk.

Do you guys know that there was a rift between Manny and the front office? Apparently it's true. Good thing Gerry Callahan is around to break this news to us FOUR FUCKING WEEKS AFTER IT OCCURRED. Nice job, Scoop.
BSMW has a hilarious satire called Dennis and Callahan in Ten Years on their front page today.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
That was pretty funny, and the worst part is that it's probably true. Not the DD tapioca bit, no way in hell that will happen.


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
What was the biggest story out of last night's Red Sox game?

It was a good lesson for the children!

And by the way, Manny is still a bum who didn't visit cancer stricken children.


New Member
Aug 13, 2008
I like it when Ordway refers to them as the Soccermoms in the morning which is really what they can be when they get on their Manny bashing or "The NBA playoffs are too late for the kids" rants. I feel when Callahan really goes off his rocker is when he's just trying to bait people like some of you have already mentioned. He is CLEARLY a conservative but some days he goes out of his way and out of the ballpark to harass Barack Obama and anything involving liberals/dems. Both D&C are definitely racists at heart without a doubt. I don't know how they still weren't fired from their Metco gorrilla comments. That was beyond what the IMAN had said.


New Member
Aug 13, 2008
Disagree with all three perceptions. They aren't racists or lunatics and they talk plenty of sports.
They definitely talk plenty of sports but anyone that is outside of Callahan's distorted conservative views is a "wackjob". Whenever he discusses people with substance problems he calls them losers and self absorbed jackass's or whatever other term he can fire out. A veteran called in about a month ago talking about his battle with prescription med abuse after an injury suffered at war and he referred to him as a heroin addict.


Sep 18, 2007
As a person who has lost a loved to cancer 12 years ago, I can say I would not wish that on my worst enemy. That was a good read.
Oct 29, 2007
Rhode Island
Awesome insight. Glad you posted. Kudos!
Thanks for the vote of confidence. However, I must give equal props to the original creator of this thread who made the very insightful comment as follows: "Per the doctrine above. Place all of your observations of perceived racism, right wing lunacy, or lack of sports talk here."

To not give Vinho Tinto credit for his insight posting would be a drastic oversight to say the least. You really have to give credit to suggest D&C are racists without any documentation or proof to backup that claim is very insightful. Right wing lunacy? Terrific! Again, no examples to back that up merits my admiration and respect. Lack of sports talk? Even though D&C make no bones about the fact that they touch on topics other than sports makes really no difference, does it?

Personally, I'm ecstatic Vinho Tinto started this fantastic thread. Kudos to him!

Razor Shines

Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
Magoun Sq
Right wing lunacy? Terrific! Again, no examples to back that up merits my admiration and respect. Lack of sports talk? Even though D&C make no bones about the fact that they touch on topics other than sports makes really no difference, does it?

Personally, I'm ecstatic Vinho Tinto started this fantastic thread. Kudos to him!
Leaving aside the racism issue for a moment, I think a reasonable person from any side of the political spectrum can acknowledge, from listening to their broadcasts, that Gerry Callahan is an extreme right winger (Dennis is admittedly more moderate, but is usually shouted down when he disagrees with Callahan on a political issue). Also, a reasonable person can acknowledge that they spend less time talking about sports than any of their colleagues at WEEI.

As far as examples to back this up, do you want transcripts of the show? Just listen to them on the radio. Especially when they do their Nancy Grace segment around 8 AM. The examples are pretty clear.

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
Thanks for the vote of confidence. However, I must give equal props to the original creator of this thread who made the very insightful comment as follows: "Per the doctrine above. Place all of your observations of perceived racism, right wing lunacy, or lack of sports talk here."

To not give Vinho Tinto credit for his insight posting would be a drastic oversight to say the least. You really have to give credit to suggest D&C are racists without any documentation or proof to backup that claim is very insightful. Right wing lunacy? Terrific! Again, no examples to back that up merits my admiration and respect. Lack of sports talk? Even though D&C make no bones about the fact that they touch on topics other than sports makes really no difference, does it?

Personally, I'm ecstatic Vinho Tinto started this fantastic thread. Kudos to him!

This discussion didn't begin with your posting. This thread is an offshoot of the mega-WEEI thread. The D&C discussion and analysis was well underway there. There was no need for me to go into detail on the show or what my thoughts on the show are- because it's already been discussed. My throwaway opening line was a sarcastic summary of the criticisms of the show.

In the future, please stick to stating your analysis and provide backup for it.

Kind Regards,

Vinho Tinto
Oct 29, 2007
Rhode Island
Leaving aside the racism issue for a moment, I think a reasonable person from any side of the political spectrum can acknowledge, from listening to their broadcasts, that Gerry Callahan is an extreme right winger (Dennis is admittedly more moderate, but is usually shouted down when he disagrees with Callahan on a political issue). Also, a reasonable person can acknowledge that they spend less time talking about sports than any of their colleagues at WEEI.

As far as examples to back this up, do you want transcripts of the show? Just listen to them on the radio. Especially when they do their Nancy Grace segment around 8 AM. The examples are pretty clear.
Hi Razor, the claims were right-wing "lunacy." No doubt Dennis and Callahan are right wingers, but the lunacy part could easily and more appropriately be applied to the left wingers. I was just wondering about examples of "lunacy" which, of course are just someone's point of view.
Oct 29, 2007
Rhode Island

This discussion didn't begin with your posting. This thread is an offshoot of the mega-WEEI thread. The D&C discussion and analysis was well underway there. There was no need for me to go into detail on the show or what my thoughts on the show are- because it's already been discussed. My throwaway opening line was a sarcastic summary of the criticisms of the show.

In the future, please stick to stating your analysis and provide backup for it.

Kind Regards,

Vinho Tinto

Wow "Moron!" How intelligent you are with your name-calling. I'm surprised you didn't use "fuckwit" or "douchebag." You're obviously an MIT grad and it probably took every bit of your ample brain power to come up with "moron." Kudos to you.

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
Wow "Moron!" How intelligent you are with your name-calling. I'm surprised you didn't use "fuckwit" or "douchebag." You're obviously an MIT grad and it probably took every bit of your ample brain power to come up with "moron." Kudos to you.
Do you have anything to add, or are you just trolling?