Minor league thread 2023


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
I also listened to this one. I was a bit concerned for Dean's future marriage that he doesn't know what his fiancée is going to grad school for.

However, I kind of liked what he had to say about pitching & his walks & how it was mental. He was also transitioning from closing in college to starting & it was a bit of a challenge.

So I came away a bit optimistic about him as a pitcher, & a bit pessimistic about his marriage.

View: https://twitter.com/BeyondtheMnstr/status/1711787884494118980


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
That reminds me...SoxProspects has a page where they project '24 Rosters. They don't preemptively cut anyone, but let's see who they promoted...

Gilberto Batista (same)
Wuilliams Rodriguez (same)
Obed Balderas (different)
Juan Henriquez (different)
Ruben De La Cruz (same)
Alisson Del Orbe (same)
Luis Jerez (same)
Jose Martinez (same)


So they didn't promote Garcia, Jimenez, NDLC, Salcedo, or Ascanio, but did promote Obed & Henriquez. Not too surprising they have those 2 getting promoted - they are both quite young & were decent-sized investments. We shall see.
They don't preemptively cut anyone, but they do list people as "Inactive" which would appear to be the same thing:

Brahian Rijo (#222)
Marcos Almanzar (#234)
Yoelvin Chirino (#235)
Denison Sanchez (#246)
Emmanuel Polo (#251)
Aaron Liranzo (#257)
Hanssel De Los Santos (#258)

Rijo is the only one I don't project as being cut & that's due to his age.


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
Time to do the same half-hearted, but still excessive, analysis for DSL hitters.

Starting with the '22 breakdown. Will combine both teams this time.

21: 1 (0-0-1)

Frank Astacio. I discussed him previously. He hit quite well in his 2nd DSL season (.916 OPS) & his 3rd DSL season (.909 OPS), but he never missed on to the FCL. Could have been a defensive issue. He profiles as a short corner infielder.

20: 4 (2-0-2)

Albertson Asigen (#80) had a slug heavy .800 OPS in limited action in '21, & came back for a 2nd year of DSL at 20 where he had a OBP heavy .797 OPS. Was promoted to FCL (.892 OPS), & then Salem (.870 OPS) this season. There's not a lot in his DSL age-adjusted stats that would indicate that he would obtain this level of success this year, so that's interesting.

Miguel Rojas, a 5'9 catcher who signed in '19 for $10k, hit over .300 & had a .746 OPS (much improved from '21 when he put up a .626 OPS), but it was not enough to move on to the next level & he was released in November '22.

Axel James is Lyonell James's (#115) older brother. He was signed for $60k in 2018. He made a big leap in OPS from '21 to '22 (.675 to .892), but it wasn't enough for him to get a chance in the FCL & he was released in November '22.

Claudio Simon (#204) is not a good hitter. He was signed a 20 y/o in December '21 for $5k & went on to OPS .590. He was still promoted to the FCL (.573 OPS) & to Salem (.595 OPS) this season. Seems like a field first, org depth kind of guy. Another interesting data point in terms of someone who was promoted vs. some others who were not, though.


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
19: 8 (2-1-5)

Renny Flores, another 5'9 catcher, signed in July '19 for $90k. His first action came in '21 when he put up a .468 OPS. He improved to .701 in '22, but was let go in November '22.

Jhon Garcia, a 1B who was also signed in July '19, but for $50k, OPS'd .514 & .694 before being let go in April '23. It's interesting that the cuts mostly occur in 2 main waves. I guess there are some they think are obvious, & others they want to wait & see how many new guys they get in & how the guys are looking.

Jose Liriano (#215) had a .651 OPS last year & had the chance to repeat this year where he put up a .742 OPS. Based on other examples, this does not seem good enough for a 1B/DH type, & I'm guessing he's probably gone. He signed for $5k in November '21.

Rivaldo Avila (#227), a 5'10 catcher, was signed for $405k in July '19. He improved from a .532 OPS to a .708 OPS in '22 & was promoted to the FCL for '23, where he played sparingly (.655 OPS in 38 PAs). He appears to be on that track of catchers who hang around & don't play much along with a bunch of other guys (Oscar Rangel, Matt Donlan, Diego Viloria, Daniel McElveny, etc.).

Kelvin Diaz (#148) signed for $300k in 2019. The speedy outfielder improved his OPS from .666 in '21 to .788 in '22. He was promoted to the FCL for '23 where he put up a .698 OPS.

Jose Mendez played 5 different positions in '22, but mostly 1B, & his OPS dipped from .808 to .794, which is not good enough for the older, bat-first DSL prospects. He was signed for $200k in July '19 as a shortstop, but did not stick there & was released in April '23. I wonder if he was competing with Jose Liriano for 1 spot in April.

Yevganni Reinita is a smol human, listed at 5'7 135 pounds. He was signed for $10k in January '21 & had OPS of .634 & .600 in limited PAs in his 2 seasons before being released November '22.

Diego Rodriguez was signed in March '20 for $50k. He OPS'd .652 & .796 in his 2 seasons before being let go in November '22. He played 6 different positions in '22 & made no more than 5 starts at any of them. Seems like an interesting edge case. Lack of power + lack of speed + potentially lack of defense overcoming what seemed to be pretty good plate discipline.


SoSH Member
Jan 31, 2006
around the way


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Dec 14, 2019
18: 7 (3-1-3)

We already discussed Ronny Ramirez & his .829 OPS & he still feels like a bit of an outlier in terms of being someone I would expect to get at least another year in a vacuum. Probably falls into a similar bucket to Diego Rodriguez, but he's younger & hit better.

Enmanuel Martinez (#195) could probably have been listed in that org catcher range. He had a .645 OPS in '22. started the season in the DSL & had 13 PAs (.641 OPS) over a couple weeks in the DSL before being moved to the FCL where he had 30 PAs (.464 OPS) over the next 2 months. He signed for $5k in June '22, & appears to be slightly overrated by me on the list. He technically counts as a stay in the DSL guy, despite the early promotion.

Karim Ayubi (#140) signed for $85k in January '21. He put up OPS of .619 & .741 before being promoted to the FCL this season where he had an OPS of .681. I probably have him rated too highly because I thought his profile of 24 walks & 23 strikeouts in 89 PAs was interesting...but the lack of power, speed, or average probably outweigh that & he's probably not actually that interesting of a prospect.

Josue Castillo falls in the obvious cut category - he put up OPS of .369 & .493 in limited PAs over 2 seasons. So despite signing for $150k in January '21, he was gone by November '22.

Andy Lugo (#128) signed for $10k in July '21 & made his successful debut in '22, OPSing .781 & stealing 21 bases. He was promoted to the FCL, but was injured & did not play this season.

Helison Mota OPS'd .655 & .742 in his 2 DSL seasons. Seems to be in the lack of power/speed/defense club for guys who otherwise seem to have hit well enough to earn another season. He signed for $10k in January '21 & was released April 10, 2023. I'm so spoiled by SoxProspects usually, but they don't seem to have his release date on his page. He was 1 of 4 guys they released from the DSL that day.

Armando Sierra (#150) cleared the bar for bat first players by increasing his OPS from .752 to .873. He was promoted to the FCL where he had a .761 OPS. Sierra signed for $150k in January '21.


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
That is one weird ranking. I'm probably the biggest Blaze fan outside of the Jordan family, and having him above Yorke and that close to Mayer is crazy talk. Too much recency bias at work here.
I'm not sure that it's recency...Blaze wasn't great in AA...I think it may be a weird positional thing as he has a background in Dynasty Fantasy & Blaze is pretty high on the 1B list.


SoSH Member
Jan 31, 2006
around the way
I'm not sure that it's recency...Blaze wasn't great in AA...I think it may be a weird positional thing as he has a background in Dynasty Fantasy & Blaze is pretty high on the 1B list.
Makes sense.

I meant it less that Blaze raked and more that Mayer didn't. Not that I'm worried about the latter, but some folks are definitely dinging him somewhat for the meh half year in Portland. But dropping him that far relative to the others is an overcorrection for 43 games.


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Dec 14, 2019
17: 11 (4-6-1)

Yosander Asencio (#68) had a good season in '22 (.838 OPS) & repeated the level with an even better OPS (.933). He signed for $85k in January '22.

Freili Encarnacion (#62) is an interesting case of a guy who strikes out way too much & only hit ok (.704 OPS) & struck out way too much (29.5%), but they expect big things of & who they think has defense as a carrying skill, so he moved up to the FCL where he was ineffective & injured (.520 OPS in 39 PAs). He signed for $1.1m in January '22.

JOHANFRAN Garcia (#12) did not hit that well in his 1st DSL season with a .700 OPS. However, he still moved up & greatly impressed in the FCL where he certainly did impress (.904 OPS), & Salem where he struggled to start with & ended with a .585 OPS. Johanfran signed for $850k in January '22.

Yohander Linarez (#205) repeated the DSL after a .680 OPS his first year. He put up a very similar .684 OPS his 2nd year & seems like someone who could be out the door. Which means he's ranked too high. He is also not a steals or power guy. He signed for $10k in January '22.

Franyer Noria (#193) repeated the DSL after a rather successful debut season (.790 OPS). He was not nearly as good in his 2nd season, though (.617 OPS). Will be interesting to see if there is still a place for him. I would think yes because the proof of concept & the higher pedigree ($265k signing bonus in January '22). He also went from 9 steals (0 CS) to 6 steals (4 CS) so I wonder if he was dealing with some sort of injury or change in body composition? This isn't really the place for this discussion, but oh well. Will save me some time later.

Cristofher Paniagua (#135) repeated after a .593 OPS & improved to .730 this season. He seems rated a bit higher than he should be? He signed for $400k in April '22. He must be a guy who did better at the end of the season iirc.

Natanael Yuten (#40), who I can relate to as someone who was 6'3 130 lbs in HS (he's listed at 6'2 143 lbs on B-Ref, 6' 150 on SoxProspects), was promoted after a .771 OPS in his debut season. He played very well at the FCL (.880 OPS) before struggling in his transition to A-Ball (.479 OPS). He signed for $400k in January '22.

Marvin Alcantara (#46) was promoted to the FCL after a good-hitting 1st season (.803 OPS), despite being a glove-first middle infielder. He struggled to hit this season, though (.653 OPS in FCL & .534 OPS in A-Ball). He signed for $30k in January '22.

I fear that I am irrationally high on Fraymi De Leon (#49). He did not hit well in his DSL season (.600 OPS), nor particularly well to start this season (.637 OPS), but he was promoted to the FCL anyway where he put up a .739 OPS. He signed the largest bonus in the '22 class at $1.2m, but doesn't get nearly the prospect buzz Freili or Alcantara does - I think because he didn't hit well in the DSL whereas they both did. SP has him out of their top 60, but has Alcantara 33 & Freili 56.

Jhaydel Flores signed for $10k in March '22 & was released in April '23 after putting up a .610 OPS while mostly playing 3B.

Anger Romero (#256) played very little his 1st year, but had an OPS over 1. This year he played a bit more & had an impressively low OPS of .358. He also had 5 PB & 3 errors in 75 innings of catching. Going to assume he's gone, despite the cool name.


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Dec 14, 2019
16: 2 (0-2-0)

Natanael Eusebio (#238) had a .642 OPS his 1st year & .576 his 2nd after repeating. He signed for $10k in January '22.

Jancel Santana (#138) went from a .586 OPS to a .613 OPS. I probably overrate him because I like his name. Plus the MI defense thing. & the bonus thing (he signed for $600k in January '22).


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
So overall 11 promoted, 10 stayed, & 12 were released. On to the '23 guys (some of whom I've already discussed...).


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
20 (1)

The only 20 y/o is Jose Liriano. Which makes sense since he was the only 19 y/o repeater. I think he's getting released.

19 (0)

The only one was Enmanuel Martinez, but he was already "promoted" during the season.

They were definitely much younger than the year before when they had 10 hitters 19 or older & this year they had 1.

18 (7)

I already discussed Asencio (promote), Linarez (release), Noria (repeat?), Romero (release), & Paniagua (repeat?).

Frederik Jimenez (#152) is a C/1B type who signed in December '22 for $10k. He had a .751 OPS & seems like a guy who could use a 2nd DSL season to see if he pops further. They played him in 8 games at catcher & he had 2 errors & 2 PBs, so he definitely seems like a guy who would need to be carried by his hit tool.

Raimundo De Los Santos (#161) is kind of fascinating to me. He started off the season awful but they kept playing him & he actually did decent toward the end, but he still only had a .575 OPS. He was successful on 12 of 13 steal attempts, though. They must have seen something they liked to keep putting him out there, despite only receiving a $7,500 bonus in January '23. I think he's probably a repeater?

Fraymi would also be in this category if he hadn't been promoted during the year.

If they repeat the 4 guys I was thinking might be repeats, they would have 4 19-year-olds next year, though, which would be 2 more than to start this year.


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
17 (19)

I already discussed Jancel (repeat) & Eusebio (release?).

Let's look at the 17 new guys in order of how I rank them...

Yoeilin Cespedes (#8) - promote him straight to Greenville for all I care (.953 OPS).

Franklin Arias (#29) - Promote (.893 OPS).

Starlyn Nunez (#44) - Promote (.870 OPS).

Andruw Musett (#53) - Promote (.847 OPS).

Gerardo Rodriguez (#77) - Promote (.878 OPS).

Yoiber Ruiz (#91) - 1st guy who isn't a no-brainer to promote imo. He only had a .653 OPS. 22% walk rate, 19.6% strikeout rate. Was signed in January '23 for $500k & had his hamate bone removed after signing. Curious if that had an impact on his hitting this past season. He's 5'7 & played games at 2B (20), SS (13) & 3B (14). He finished the season on an 8-19 stretch that included 2 3-hit games. Wouldn't be surprised by a repeat or a promotion. Might be hard to find room in the FCL infield between Cespedes, Arias & Nunez.

Kleyver Salazar (#93) - Similar crunch at catcher with Musett, Rodriguez & Salazar. This could be one of those situations where they utilize all 3 pretty regularly, rotating between catching, 1B, & DH. Salazar only had a .725 OPS, but he's JOHNFRANK's brother soooo. Figured I'd look at defensive #s for the 3 catchers:

Salazar: 234.2 innings, 35 steals, 20 caught stealing (36%), 1 error, 8 PB
Musett: 216 innings, 30 steals, 16 caught stealing (35%), 5 errors, 4 PB
Rodriguez: 136 innings, 18 steals, 9 caught stealing (33%), 3 errors, 2 PB

So not a lot to differentiate them. In terms of signing bonuses: Salazar $175k, Musett $90k, Rodriguez $50k. Kleyver is the youngest & doesn't turn 18 until May. Musett turns 18 in November, Rodriguez in December. All 3 are from Venezuela.

Nixson Cueche (#123) - Cueche had a .686 OPS & doesn't turn 18 until March. Pretty good production from a guy they signed for $10k in January. Seems like a good repeat candidate who I wouldn't be surprised to see in the FCL in '25. Played 3B (15 games), 1B (15 games), SS (7 games) & 2B (3 games).

Nathanael German (#143) - Honestly not sure why I have German as high as I do. He signed for $50k in January & was pretty terrible this year with a .546 OPS. He did not make up for it with elite speed (2 steals, 3 cs). The 5'9 German played 18 games in right, 8 games in left, 5 games at 2B & 5 games at DH. He honestly seems like more of a threat to be released than to be promoted. I guess maybe a repeat due to age? Pretty sure I should adjust his ranking down. He turns 18 next month.

Jesus Prado (#179) - Prado had a .653 OPS... & 1 xbh in 59 PAs. He signed for $10k in January & turns 18 in 4 days. He played sparingly early in the season, but started playing regularly toward the end, finishing the season with a 4-game hit streak during which he was 7-13 with 2 walks & 3 strikeouts. .700 BABIP is totally sustainable. Prado played 7 games in left, 6 games in right, 5 games at DH, & pitched an inning. Seems like a pretty good repeater option. 1 xbh & 0 steal attempts all season is a bit of a red flag, though, so wouldn't be shocked if they released him.

Moises Semerite (#192) - Semerite doesn't turn 18 until May 31st. He signed for $32k in January. & his .673 isn't bad for a player his age. He had 9 steals & played 34 games in CF (1 in LF, 2 in RF), meaning he's probably a good defensive player. Tbh, it seems like I'm way too low on him...my main issue is that he had a 34% strikeout rate this season, but he's young & the other things seem to be in place, so I'm definitely going to move him up. I don't directly switch people in the rankings...but if I was going to...switching him with German makes a lot of sense to me. Seems like a great repeater candidate.

Albert Chalas (#196) - & I thought Semerite's k-rate was high...Chalas struck out 30 times in 70 PAs (42.9%). He was 11-30 with 2 doubles & 4 triples when he did not strike out for a slug-heavy .650 OPS. Chalas turned 18 last month. He played 11 games in left & 7 games in right. He signed for $10k in January. I'm oddly fascinated. Wouldn't be surprised to see him repeat if they think they can fix the strikeout thing, but also wouldn't be surprised if they gave up.

Gabriel Mavarez (#198) - His .503 OPS is pretty yikes. He signed for $10k in April. Is there reason for optimism? Idk? He doesn't turn 18 until March & had a 19.1% bb rate & 19.2% k rate? He had 0 xbh, though & batted .162 in 94 PAs. Mavarez played 12 games at 3B, 5 games at 2B, 4 games at DH (seems like a bad sign), 4 games at SS, & the 5'9 player even started 1 game at 1B. He had 5 errors in 22 games. I think I'm fine moving on from the Mavarez experience, although I would not be shocked if they repeated him if they think he has/will add strength.

Luis Arredondo (#211). He also turns 18 in March. & was also pretty awful this season (.529 OPS). Arredondo is 6'3 & signed for $125k in January. He played 15 games at 1B, 9 at DH & 7 at 3B, like Maverez making 5 errors in 22 games. I think I'm probably fine moving on here, too. But they might give him another chance due to the pedigree or thinking he's getting it together.

Liosward Marin (#224) - Marin, unlike the 3 previously mentioned Venezuelan rookie catchers, did not make an impact this season. On the plus side, he doesn't turn 18 until May. On the downside, he had a .474 OPS in 74 PAs. He was also worse defensively than the other catchers...in 147.1 innings he allowed 34 steals, 12 caught stealing (26%), 3 errors & 5 PB. He may be someone to keep around until April to see if they get enough new catchers into the system, or to see if he has improved enough to take a big step forward.

Alex Castillo (#225) - Castillo is listed at 5'9 on SoxProspects & 6'1 on BRef. Maybe growing 4 inches is the reason he can't hit a baseball? He struck out 35 times in 89 PAs (39.3%) & only walked 5 times (5.6%). He still managed to put up a .610 OPS. He played mostly OF except 2 innings at SS. He didn't make an error in 163 innings, 106 of which were in RF. He signed for $50k in January & turned 18 last month. Honestly no clue what to make of him. Kind of feel like he might get another chance but idk...I feel like even if they release him I should have him ranked a bit higher, though. Just a weird profile.

Claudio Evangelista (#232) - Not 100% sure why I'm quite so down on this guy. He was definitely not very good (.604 OPS). He signed for $30k in March & turns 18 next month. & he did play 273 innings of error free ball in the OF & at 3B, with 65 of them being in CF. He wasn't like good, only stole 1 base...but he doesn't feel #232 bad. Could go either way on whether he gets a repeat year.


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
16 (3)

Jhoan Solarte (#202) - He turned 17 in July. Part of me feels like I'm cutting him too much slack because of the age, but part of me is curious as he hit 3 homers (tied for 4th in Red Sox DSL) & had a .203 BABIP which probably played a large role in his .538 OPS. He signed for $10k in January & mostly played corner outfield. Seems like someone you give another year to.

Chad Delancey (#233) - Delancey also turned 17 in July & I really want him to be good. He's from the Bahamas & I like his vibe. He signed for $50k in January. But he was AWFUL this season. He had a .337 OPS in 66 PAs, striking out 43.9% of the time. He played about half corner outfield. half DH. I'm not particularly optimistic, but if they think there's a baseball player in there somewhere, could definitely see someone that young getting another shot.

They also signed Justin Barry (#240) in July for $10k. He turned 17 in August & has not debuted, yet. I certainly expect him to get a chance next season.


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
So here are my hitter projections...

Promoted to FCL
Yoeilin Cespedes (#8)
Franklin Arias (#29)
Starlyn Nunez (#44)
Andruw Musett (#53)
Yosander Asencio (#68)
Gerardo Rodriguez (#77)
Yoiber Ruiz (#91)
Kleyver Salazar (#93)

Stay in DSL
Nixson Cueche (#123)
Cristofher Paniagua (#135)
Frederik Jimenez (#152)
Raimundo De Los Santos (#161)
Jesus Prado (#179)
Franyer Noria (#193)
Jhoan Solarte (#202)
Alex Castillo (#225)
Claudio Evangelista (#232)
Justin Barry (#240)

Nathanael German (#143)
Albert Chalas (#196)
Gabriel Mavarez (#198)
Yohander Linarez (#205)
Luis Arredondo (#211)
Jose Liriano (#215)
Liosward Marin (#224)
Natanael Eusebio (#238)
Anger Romero (#256)

That's 8-10-9 compared to 11-10-12 last season. Seems ~ok. These rankings definitely need work, though.


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
Here is their Red Sox Top 50 from July with the following Tiers:

Tier 1: Players with high expectations of both making the majors and playing at an All-Star level for a number of years
Tier 2: Players with an above-average expectation of making the majors and being a solid contributor
Tier 3: Players with an average expectation of making the majors and being a solid contributor
Tier 4: Players who have the potential of making the majors, or have a high likelihood of making the majors, but provide minimal impact (e.g. middle reliever, low-ceiling UT guys)
Tier 5: Players of interest, worth keeping an eye on, who have an outside chance of making a team’s 40-man roster.
Tier 1:
1. Mayer

Tier 2:
2. Roman
3. Rafaela
4. Bleis
5. Yorke

Tier 3:
6. Drohan
7. Teel
8. Perales
9. Romero
10. Wikelman
11. Valdez
12. Abreu
13. Blaze
14. Paulino
15. Hickey
16. Bonaci
17. Meidroth
18. Guerrero

Tier 4:
19. Cespedes
20. ERC
21. Ravelo
22. Cutter
23. Nazzan
24. Antonio
25. Blizzard
26. Niko
27. Castro
28. Rogers
29. Murphy
30. Mata
31. Alcantara
32. Walter
33. Brannon

Tier 5:
34. Yordanny
35. I. Coffey
36. Paez
37. Bastardo
38. Dobbins
39. Fernandez
40. Troye
41. Johanfran
42. M. Lugo
43. Freili
44. Scott
45. Koss
46. Sikes
47. Chacon
48. Liu
49. Ramirez
50. McDonough


Sandy Leon Trotsky

SoSH Member
Mar 11, 2007
Not much to add other than “thanks again, JM3”!
This is really impressive stuff and a tremendous amount of work. I feel like it should be on its own Threads or Substack or something to get more views…


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
Not much to add other than “thanks again, JM3”!
This is really impressive stuff and a tremendous amount of work. I feel like it should be on its own Threads or Substack or something to get more views…
I can't imagine there are that many people in the world who care about my random musings about the Red Sox DSL players lol

Appreciate the kind words, though. I have been idly thinking about ways to meld my new addiction to Red Sox prospects to my business that would help increase profits & generate interesting content on both, but not sure I see the marketing connection with Las Vegas divorce.


often quoted
SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
So here are my hitter projections...

Promoted to FCL
Yoeilin Cespedes (#8)
Franklin Arias (#29)
Starlyn Nunez (#44)
Andruw Musett (#53)
Yosander Asencio (#68)
Gerardo Rodriguez (#77)
Yoiber Ruiz (#91)
Kleyver Salazar (#93)

Stay in DSL
Nixson Cueche (#123)
Cristofher Paniagua (#135)
Frederik Jimenez (#152)
Raimundo De Los Santos (#161)
Jesus Prado (#179)
Franyer Noria (#193)
Jhoan Solarte (#202)
Alex Castillo (#225)
Claudio Evangelista (#232)
Justin Barry (#240)

Nathanael German (#143)
Albert Chalas (#196)
Gabriel Mavarez (#198)
Yohander Linarez (#205)
Luis Arredondo (#211)
Jose Liriano (#215)
Liosward Marin (#224)
Natanael Eusebio (#238)
Anger Romero (#256)

That's 8-10-9 compared to 11-10-12 last season. Seems ~ok. These rankings definitely need work, though.
Here's who SP has promoted from the DSL hitters:

Yoeilin Cespedes (#8)
Franklin Arias (#29)
Starlyn Nunez (#44)
Andruw Musett (#53)
Yosander Asencio (#68)
Gerardo Rodriguez (#77)
Kleyver Salazar (#93)
Cristofher Paniagua (#135)
Frederik Jimenez (#152)

So pretty similar, except they have Paniagua & Jimenez instead of Yoiber. Wouldn't be shocked if they're right. Or if I'm right. Or neither of us are right.

They only list 2 batters as inactive in DSL which I take as their version of the cut list, except they don't have new players to fill the roster spots yet so their cut list is rightfully going to be quite small:

Gabriel Mavarez (#198)
Chad Delancey (#233)


This made me realize I'm missing Delancey from my combined list...so I'll probably put Delancey in the repeat section & move someone up to the promote section to make it 9-10-9.


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
Let's try this. Going to add positions to the promoted part because of the IF/C glut, & I see why SP would pick a 1B & an OF over another MI like Yoiber to join Yoey, Arias, Starlyn, Freili, & Fraymi. I think 1B is a fine spot for the extra catchers, so I don't really feel the need for Jimenez, who used to be a catcher before getting kicked off the position by their higher ceiling catcher guys.

Promoted to FCL (9)
SS Yoeilin Cespedes (#8)
SS Franklin Arias (#29)
IF Starlyn Nunez (#44)
C/IB Andruw Musett (#53)
OF Yosander Asencio (#68)
C/1B Gerardo Rodriguez (#77)
IF Yoiber Ruiz (#91)
C Kleyver Salazar (#93)
OF Cristofher Paniagua (#135)

Stay in DSL (10)
Nixson Cueche (#123)
Frederik Jimenez (#152)
Raimundo De Los Santos (#161)
Jesus Prado (#179)
Franyer Noria (#193)
Jhoan Solarte (#202)
Alex Castillo (#225)
Claudio Evangelista (#232)
Chad Delancey (#233)
Justin Barry (#240)

Released (9)
Nathanael German (#143)
Albert Chalas (#196)
Gabriel Mavarez (#198)
Yohander Linarez (#205)
Luis Arredondo (#211)
Jose Liriano (#215)
Liosward Marin (#224)
Natanael Eusebio (#238)
Anger Romero (#256)


often quoted
SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
Dropping a new rankings tonight. Hard to know what to do with Bonaci, seeing as how I have 0 idea what he's actually been accused of, so went with a compromise approach. Most of the higher end rankings are going to be pretty stagnant because they have already been thought about more. Some of the lower rankings is where there is significant movement. Mostly just doing this update to get my DSL rankings sharper before the November cuts.

Last year on November 10th, 15 minor leaguers selected free agency. The only one who came back was Sterling Sharp.

Last year on November 15th, the Red Sox added C Note, Abreu, Hamilton, Murphy & Walter to the 40-man roster (they had added Valdez on the 10th). & they released 14 DSL players.

So I want updated rankings prior to the ~25-30 expected departures in less than a month.


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
Last year in December, the only really significant activity was the Rule 5 drafts on 12/7. & some Minor League free agents began trickling in, as well as the ends of the '22 IFA class. December 15th is the last day for IFA signings & then there is a 1 month break until the new class starts signing on January 15th. I did the math on this the other day, but I think the Red Sox still have a few hundred thousand they can put toward this year. Also in Mid-December, a few MiLB players retired.

January was full of free agent signings, both for the MLB team & the MiLB teams, as well as the vast majority of the IFA class signing. February was much slower with a few players trickling in.

March was a month for assignments & cuts. On 3/22 they released 4 minor leaguers, & then 4 more about a week later. & then they did some DSL releases in April.


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
SoxProspects has an interesting page on some of the off season goings on:


A little table of contents:

1) AFL Stats (Rosier/Penrod good, Olds pretty good, everyone else not so good)

2) Breakdown of people who went to the Fall Performance program in September. Would have liked to hear more about what happened there. Parker/Hand have interviewed a few attendees, but I don't recall hearing content on it:

2023 Fall Performance Program Roster
Group A: September 13-19
Group B: September 20-26

Ryan Ammons, Angel Bastardo, Royman Blanco, Connor Butler, Max Carlson, Isaac Coffey, Luis Cohen, Willian Colmenares, Noah Dean, Hunter Dobbins, Matt Duffy, Connelly Early, Austin Ehrlicher, Juan Encarnacion, Cade Feeney, Zach Fogell, Wikelman Gonzalez, Luis Guerrero, Diego Hernandez, Alex Hoppe, Jojo Ingrassia, CJ Liu, Alvaro Mejias, Yordanny Monegro, Hayden Mullins, Cristian Nunez, Trennor O'Donnell, Wyatt Olds, Jedixson Paez, Luis Perales, Eybersson Polanco, Jose Ramirez, Elmer Rodriguez-Cruz, Dalton Rogers, Reidis Sena, Elvis Soto, Isaac Stebens, Tyler Uberstine, Blake Wehunt, CJ Weins

Catchers: Brooks Brannon, Drew Ehrhard, Johanfran Garcia, Enderso Lira, Daniel McElveny, Ronald Rosario, Johnfrank Salazar, Kyle Teel

Infield: Marvin Alcantara, Antonio Anderson, Kristian Campbell, Cutter Coffey, Freili Encarnacion, Eddinson Paulino, Luis Ravelo, Justin Riemer, Mikey Romero, Armando Sierra, Nazzan Zanetello

Outfield: Miguel Bleis, Allan Castro, Juan Chacon, Kelvin Diaz, Albert Feliz, Jhostynxon Garcia, Alexis Hernandez, Eduardo Lopez, Andy Lugo, Caden Rose, Nelly Taylor, Stanley Tucker, Natanael Yuten
3) The Rookie Development Program is in January - no info yet.

4) Puerto Rican league baseball (LBPRC) starts November 3rd.

5) Dominican Republic league baseball (LIDOM) starts today.

6) Venezuelan league baseball (LVBP) starts on Saturday.

7) Australian league baseball (ABL) starts November 17th.

8) The Carribean Series is February 1st-9th in Miami.

9) Mexican league baseball (LMP) started October 13th - no current players participating.


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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
Long article on ROMAN.



Altogether in 2023, Anthony batted .272/.403/.466 with 27 doubles, four triples, 14 homers, 64 runs driven in, 78 runs scored, 16 stolen bases, 86 walks, and 119 strikeouts in 106 total games (491 plate appearances) between Salem, Greenville, and Portland. Among the 599 minor-leaguers who made at least 400 trips to the plate this season regardless of level, Anthony ranked 23rd in walk rate (17.5 percent), 39th in on-base percentage, 33rd in line-drive rate (27.2 percent), 47th in wOBA (.402), and 25th in wRC+ (143), per FanGraphs.


often quoted
SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2019
After multiple minutes of diligence, here are my LIDOM rooting interests in order:

1) Estrellas - They drafted Miguel Bleis in the 3rd round & RIO is in the rotation.
2) Licey - Drafted YORDANNY in the 5th round & Cepeda in the 13th. Old friend Danny Santana is the lineup.
3) Aguilas - Drafted Asigen in the 16th round & former Sox DSL player Jhon Garcia in the 9th. Had those 3 former Red Sox minor leaguers on the roster.
4) Escogido - Junior Caminero & Franmil Reyes is fun.
5) Gigantes - I find nothing remarkable about this team.
6) Toros - The good: drafted Allan Castro & Narciso Crook is on the team. The dealbreaker: Dermody.