RIP Toucher and Rich Show ... It was fun while it lasted


New Member
Mar 29, 2023
I’m not familiar with Treeni so I imagine that predates my time listening to the show.

I wasn’t trying to pick a fight. I’ve been noting that the vibe with Kendra has been weird since the first time she appeared. I don’t recall anyone there ever talking about the romantic life of Dave Richards or Burt Breer when they’ve done segments.
I don’t think it’s fair to characterize these interviews as some weird deviation. Maybe they don’t talk about romantic lives but they definitely try to make connections with their guests. They talk about Burt’s personal life all the time. Him and Fred were sharing old fraternity stories about being paddled just a few weeks ago. The Ainge interviews were so great because they had a great rapport compared to Stevens. They’d also talk about Joe Murray’s life and his quirks when he was on. Kendra seems like she’s on the Merriwether level of not having a filter. When she first came on, I believe they asked her how the dating Brady rumors started and it never seemed like she was uncomfortable. The fact that she was willing to share the foot story and its alignment to the DA character was pretty funny (side note: there’s been an over reliance on DA for awhile now. When the show was its peak, Fred had so many more characters).

On a different note, really hope Gorman comes in studio and they put some thought into making it great. If the Cs can make a run in the IST, it would be a great opportunity to mix in basketball talk + stories. Perhaps even get Cedric Maxwell on the phone for a break.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
On a different note, really hope Gorman comes in studio and they put some thought into making it great. If the Cs can make a run in the IST, it would be a great opportunity to mix in basketball talk + stories. Perhaps even get Cedric Maxwell on the phone for a break.
That would be great. Whenever Fred and Gorman get together I feel like good listening ensues. Would be fun to get him in a few times during Gorman’s farewell season.


New Member
Nov 16, 2021
Obviously the show right now is not what it will be in a month but it has been REALLY tough for me to get through. Very uninspired radio.


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Obviously the show right now is not what it will be in a month but it has been REALLY tough for me to get through. Very uninspired radio.
I'm done with 4 hours of Rochie. He's great in small doses here and there. But the flow of the show is If RJ was available to fill in the rest of the way until they get the permanent replacement, that would be my preference, but clearly he can't quite swing that with his schedule.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
When was it during the show?
8am break. Fred’s overall point was right but it was just painful to listen to. So there’s this salesman who in 2001 was the top salesman but he had an upcoming salesman who’d be the best salesman in the world and he was applying to my company for a salesman job but then the salesman left and my sales went down.

His analogy was right but no one talks like that and it was awkward and way too long. No one uses the term salesman either unless we’re taking like 1950. Yah go get me a salesman!!!


New Member
Apr 4, 2010
Part of the problem is Roche's style - he's not going to get into it with Fred the way Fred wants. He's such a milquetoast weiner on the show. As much shit as Wallach gets for being a nerd, Dan is 10 times worse and just so corny.

Tomorrow the fill in is Joe Murray, so have fun with that.


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Isle of Plum
Anyone else hear the attempted Fart Court? It was during the 'Around the NFL' bit, I think somewhere between 8:30 and 9:15.
I didn’t hear it, but I’ve kind of got to a place where I might catch (podcasts of) the open and the interviews with Gasper/Sochi/Ted/Fluto, etc. I get it, no judgement it’s the transition, just kinda rough listen at moment.


SoSH Member
May 10, 2007
Burrillville, RI
This evening on Felger and Mazz’s “off air show”, Kendra Middleton was on with Felger. His first question was about her candidacy for the morning show. She said she applied and had an interview with Rick Radzick (sp?). She said she felt like there are other more experienced candidates but she asked Rick for feedback and he said she’d get more hours at the station overall.
she was pretty straightforward in saying that she applied, wants the job, and feels like she’s qualified but recognizes that others have more experience.

Felger later talked about the position and said what we all think… Hardy is the closest approximation to Rich that currently exists at the station and he could fit in well.


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2002
I just got the equivalent of Spotify Unwrapped for Pocket Casts - telling me about my year in podcast listening. T&R was my clear #1 by hours listened, 4x more than any other podcast. It was a huge chunk of my listening life and accompanied many routines. I’m really going to miss it.


will bailey
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
While I can't imagnie Kendra taking the Rich seat, and I insame for thinking there's a chance of Fred Hardy and Kendra?


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
While I can't imagnie Kendra taking the Rich seat, and I insame for thinking there's a chance of Fred Hardy and Kendra?
The fact that they kept her on the show long after the "Bankroll Bunch" segment was over tells me she has to be in consideration for the permanent second chair. I wonder if this was a quasi "tryout" of sorts. I'm not sure how the vibe would be with that trio AND Wallach on the Flash. Seems like a little much to me. But I 100% get the Kendra angle.

Chad Finn

Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mentioned this in my column Sunday, but after talking to a few people, it would be absolutely stunning if it's not Hardy. Others that have been part of the morning show since Rich left may end up in other roles at the station. (Such as replacing Hardy in middays.)


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Mentioned this in my column Sunday, but after talking to a few people, it would be absolutely stunning if it's not Hardy. Others that have been part of the morning show since Rich left may end up in other roles at the station. (Such as replacing Hardy in middays.)
Thanks, Chad. And I guess I would infer from this that RJ ends up over with Zo and Beetle? I would prefer RJ stay as Flash guy and Wallach be the one to move, but I get this move.


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2006
No word on the Rich destination? I got tired of listening to the fallout, but it would be nice to hear his perspective on things at some point.

Andy Merchant

SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2010
No word on the Rich destination? I got tired of listening to the fallout, but it would be nice to hear his perspective on things at some point.
I'm assuming that Rich is getting paid to stay away at this point, so I imagine he'd at least keep a lid on things until his contract officially expires.


New Member
Apr 4, 2010
I've been down on Kendra in this very thread, but admit that she's growing on me. I tuned in for the last 30 minutes or so this morning and was surprised to hear her.. She seems to be settling into a comfortable personality and isn't trying so hard. She could certainly fill the Wallach role capably.

Granite Sox

SoSH Member
Feb 6, 2003
The Granite State
I think Kendra would be fine as a fourth (or third and fourth) hour guest 1-2 days a week, kind of like Gasper on Felger & Mazz. She obviously can play off of Fred, but I don't think she has the chops to be the co-host on a show like T&R. If the format changes to Fred and the Sycophants, then fine. Her appearances already play into Fred's worst tendencies, so too much Kendra wouldn't work, imo (no disrespect to her).


New Member
Nov 16, 2021
Wallach this morning during Breer was absolutely excruciating. He kept talking over Breer who was giving legitimate information about Zappe and QBs like him (Browning). I was literally saying “shut the fuck up!” out loud. He never bothered me this much before but holy shit this was bad. He was missing Breer’s entire point that being a backup QB is a great living. Wallach just kept saying “that is Zappe’s ceiling!” - which nobody was disputing.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
What hour? Didn’t see broken out in their podcasts yet
24 min into hour 4. It’s basically some kids song about interrupting being rude with Wallace bird noises ocerlayed into it. Wallach was very annoyed the first time they played it and got all weird. He needs to knock it off.


New Member
Jul 19, 2005
I didn't hear the song but at one point Fred was telling the story of the woman who thinks online gaming will be the end of the world. Wallach interrupted Fred in mid sentence and Fred lost his train of thought. He wasn't happy.

I find myself yelling 'Shut up Wallach!" about once or twice a week.

I think Hardy is on the show Monday and Tuesday


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Heidi's interrupting song

It's this with overlaid bird noises. The song is so spot on it could have been written specifically for this situation.
I heard it live doing other things and honestly thought it was. Only until asked in this thread did I go back to listen to it and realized it wasn't built for Wallgame. Wallach was very annoyed and upset about it the first time they played it and got all defensive. It was clear on Twitch he was pissed.


SoSH Member
Jan 11, 2023
I heard it live doing other things and honestly thought it was. Only until asked in this thread did I go back to listen to it and realized it wasn't built for Wallgame. Wallach was very annoyed and upset about it the first time they played it and got all defensive. It was clear on Twitch he was pissed.
I heard it on the radio but did not see the video. Does he simply not know that he is doing it? The guy has been in radio for decades. People say their take, and then the next person talks. That's how a conversation works. He is the sidekick. The main voices on the show have that job because they are good at talking and making points.

Honestly, they have given him a lot of rope because he has been constantly talking over people and interrupting for years. The bit today was funny because the Wallach interruption totally ruined Freds' train of thought and derailed the riff. I'm surprised Fred was able to take it in stride and not let loose on him. It has to be annoying after a while.

Granite Sox

SoSH Member
Feb 6, 2003
The Granite State
Wallach is fine reporting scores and as a PBP basketball announcer. Relaying results or describing live action. Absolutely no one listens to him for his analysis or opinion, much less to tolerate the interruptions to repeat unoriginal "takes" he's had for months. He doesn't seem to get this. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

4 6 3 DP

SoSH Member
Oct 24, 2001
He's awful. A total deterrent to the show. Then would be so much better off having AI read the sports flash


will bailey
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Wallach this morning during Breer was absolutely excruciating. He kept talking over Breer who was giving legitimate information about Zappe and QBs like him (Browning). I was literally saying “shut the fuck up!” out loud. He never bothered me this much before but holy shit this was bad. He was missing Breer’s entire point that being a backup QB is a great living. Wallach just kept saying “that is Zappe’s ceiling!” - which nobody was disputing.
Early on (maybe 630 to 7) they were talking about Soto. Wallach said something like "the Yankees won't let him get to free agency. They'll offer him like 7 years $250M to MAKE SURE he doesn't leave" The implication was 7/250M is some godfather offer that Soto would be so blown away by he would forego free agency


will bailey
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
I'd really prefer Kendra or RJ as the 3rd chair with Hardy and Fred....Wallach is getting worse

PC Drunken Friar

SoSH Member
Sep 12, 2003
South Boston
My issue with Wallach is that he has never improved. Besides not interrupting the hosts, he needs to learn to say less. He will start talking and say 12 seconds worth of news/opinion/takes, but it will take him 45 seconds to say it.


New Member
Nov 16, 2021
I think there has been a seismic shift with Wallach once he officially learned he was not going to be the full time Celtics PBP guy. Whether that is because Rich left/was leaving and he thought he needed to fill the void more, or maybe he was paranoid he was going to be replaced and felt that he should make his presence felt, not sure, but there absolutely has been a difference. And the reality is it is just not working with him, he isn't cut out to be a main host. He talks over people, down to people, is dismissive (which Fred is too, but Fred is so much more entertaining) of people, and repeats the same thing over and over again.


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Great show today. Hardy knows how to vibe with Fred and is pretty funny in his own right. As to the Wallach discussion above: more awkward stuff today. Hardy even had to bail him out when Fred was trying to riff with him. He will be lucky to keep the Flash chair for the long term.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Great show today. Hardy knows how to vibe with Fred and is pretty funny in his own right. As to the Wallach discussion above: more awkward stuff today. Hardy even had to bail him out when Fred was trying to riff with him. He will be lucky to keep the Flash chair for the long term.
I don't see how Wallach works in a Fred / Hardy show (if that's how it goes long term). I'm not sure how much he can take of getting shit on by not just Fred but also Hardy. Rich used to do it in a "funny guy" kind of way. Hardy just goes into harsh sarcasm mode with him which is awesome.


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2006
I thought it was fine. No where near the old quality with Rich from my perspective. I'll try to approach the new show with a more open mind once they figure everything out (hopefully soon).

Hal Waffid

New Member
Nov 14, 2023
I thought it was fine. No where near the old quality with Rich from my perspective. I'll try to approach the new show with a more open mind once they figure everything out (hopefully soon).
I would probably have preferred Rich and Hardy to Toucher and Hardy to be honest. I recall really liking that combo when they were on - they had interesting conversations about music. I would also be suprised if Hardy's productions is as meticulous and Rich's was, and I'd be shocked if Hardy comes up with bits as original as Rich's were.

I heard it live doing other things and honestly thought it was. Only until asked in this thread did I go back to listen to it and realized it wasn't built for Wallgame. Wallach was very annoyed and upset about it the first time they played it and got all defensive. It was clear on Twitch he was pissed.
Oh man I looked up the second playback; I need to go find the first...

but yeah, if Wallach doesn't like getting beat on for interrupting he can always lay out from time to time.

EDIT: I couldn't find it but I did listen to a little bit of Hardy on there. Hardy is fine but they need to EQ his mic a little bit differently because he sounds quieter and a bit more muffled than Toucher and Interrupting Bird.
Last edited:


New Member
Feb 14, 2008
The Toucher Matt McCarthy voice had me rolling. Hardy is definitely capable of "yes-anding" Fred the way Rich could back in the day.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
I would probably have preferred Rich and Hardy to Toucher and Hardy to be honest. I recall really liking that combo when they were on - they had interesting conversations about music. I would also be suprised if Hardy's productions is as meticulous and Rich's was, and I'd be shocked if Hardy comes up with bits as original as Rich's were.
To my knowledge Hardy was doing basically all of the production for 98.5 for years from what has been hinted on air. Promos, Commercials and even the Fuppets. I don't think production quality is an issue. Hardy came up with one of the greatest bits ever - Fred is Dead, which I don't think works as well now that Fred is sober, but it was great.

I think you give Hardy room to do it he'd be great at it. The Midday show really isn't the format for it.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
The Toucher Matt McCarthy voice had me rolling. Hardy is definitely capable of "yes-anding" Fred the way Rich could back in the day.
I thought it was hilarious in the way the JStew one is. As my man Hardy said, it's not designed to be spot on impression but a silly impression that takes their personality to the nth degree.