SoSH Golf, 2023

Oil Can Dan

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SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2003
0-3 to 4-3
An ace is an ace - congrats!

Heading to Streamsong on Wed for a boys golf trip. Anyone been before and have any recommendations?


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Andy Brickley's potty mouth
I went about 5 years ago, great venue. It's in the middle of nowhere, but everything you need is on the resort. It's very similar to Bandon in that regard.

If I were to do it again, I'd stay in Tampa and drive in to play golf.


SoSH Member
Apr 14, 2006
My 2.5 year old absolutely loves golf. Plays with his plastic clubs and ball inside day and night. What's the best option to get him a real set of clubs?
Weight is going to be biggest problem but you could cut some old wedges and a putter down and stick the lightest women's shafts possible onto them.

Oil Can Dan

Well-Known Member
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Jul 31, 2003
0-3 to 4-3
I got in a round in just over two hours this morning at my club. Rainy, windy, nobody on the course. Didn’t warm up, didn’t mark my ball on the greens, didn’t even remove my glove on putts. And no practice swings - just gripped it and ripped it thru all 18.

Parred 6 of the first 7 holes en route to my third best score ever. My takeaway is I need to stop thinking so damn much and just play.

Oil Can Dan

Well-Known Member
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Jul 31, 2003
0-3 to 4-3
I went about 5 years ago, great venue. It's in the middle of nowhere, but everything you need is on the resort. It's very similar to Bandon in that regard.

If I were to do it again, I'd stay in Tampa and drive in to play golf.
Agree on the staying in Tampa part. I’d recommend Streamsong but I doubt I’ll go back.

Average Game James

SoSH Member
Apr 28, 2016
I got in a round in just over two hours this morning at my club. Rainy, windy, nobody on the course. Didn’t warm up, didn’t mark my ball on the greens, didn’t even remove my glove on putts. And no practice swings - just gripped it and ripped it thru all 18.

Parred 6 of the first 7 holes en route to my third best score ever. My takeaway is I need to stop thinking so damn much and just play.
You just got lesson number one: don’t think. It can only hurt the ball club.


SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
A few weeks ago I was at a golf tourney and I won both the long drive AND the closest to the pin competitions.

Here's what I won:

Odyssey Tri-Hot 5K double wide putter (with thick grip)
ZX7 driver

Pretty sweet. Those two items alone are worth more than all the golf clubs I've ever owned in my entire life put together.

Average Game James

SoSH Member
Apr 28, 2016
Guess I'll pop this in here instead of the PGA Tour thread because it covers all levels of golf but the USGA officially announced the roll back plan:

I’m mildly annoyed because I do enjoy hitting the occasional 300 yard drive and between the rollback and hitting my early 40s I’m guessing I won’t be able to do that much longer. 285 just doesn’t have the same ring to it…

I don’t quite get the USGA’s messaging here as they’re simultaneously trying to argue necessity with distance as an existential threat to the sustainability of the game while also presenting the changes as a small tweak.

Comfortably Lomb

Koko the Monkey
SoSH Member
Feb 22, 2004
The Paris of the 80s
Guess I'll pop this in here instead of the PGA Tour thread because it covers all levels of golf but the USGA officially announced the roll back plan:
Idiocy. The game is plenty difficult for 99.9% of players and effectively lengthening courses will only make the game harder (and slower) while further stressing the need for more clubhead speed. The USGA struts around talking about how they're trying to protect and grow the game but they don't care about anything other than their championship tournaments and rubbing shoulders with the rich bastards at the major championship courses. They spend the summer talking about how they knew the broader player population didn't want this but here we are anyway because they couldn't force the tour to dance to their beat.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
Idiocy. The game is plenty difficult for 99.9% of players and effectively lengthening courses will only make the game harder (and slower) while further stressing the need for more clubhead speed. The USGA struts around talking about how they're trying to protect and grow the game but they don't care about anything other than their championship tournaments and rubbing shoulders with the rich bastards at the major championship courses. They spend the summer talking about how they knew the broader player population didn't want this but here we are anyway because they couldn't force the tour to dance to their beat.
You can move up a tee, it’ll be ok.

I don’t quite get the USGA’s messaging here as they’re simultaneously trying to argue necessity with distance as an existential threat to the sustainability of the game while also presenting the changes as a small tweak
I agree with you here but I’m guessing they’re going to try to keep doing small tweaks in the future after this one goes through. But you’re right the messaging is a bit conflicted.

The golf ball goes unsustainably far across the whole sport. I wish they rolled it back even more.


SoSH Member
Apr 14, 2006
You can move up a tee, it’ll be ok
What people should do and what they actually do are different things. Men's golf already has a problem with people playing from the wrong tee for ego reasons. I'm sure this will do lovely things for pacing.

The golf ball goes unsustainably far across the whole sport. I wish they rolled it back even more.
Maybe at the pro level, but I really don't give a shit what the pro's do. They're rejection of a bifurcated ball is because they're unwilling to play golf at a more difficult level than they are right now but for 99% of amateurs this change isn't making golf a better sport.

The more I've thought about this over the last few days the less I think this will matter by the time it impacts amateur golfers in 2030. The manufacturers are going to find some other parameter of the ball to tweak and negate this whole thing. The ball will never be a static aspect of the game short of having a tightly specified design in the rules. There's too much money to be made producing the "best" ball.

I'm sure Titleist marketing is itching to produce a ProV2.


New Member
May 11, 2006
I also don’t care what the pros are doing, my swing speed is around 100 and my skill level isn’t in the same universe as them. I just want to be able to play the longest possible ball for recreational use. I don’t play in tournaments, etc. Maybe manufacturers will release stuff targeting recreational players?


Well-Known Member
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Jul 14, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
What people should do and what they actually do are different things. Men's golf already has a problem with people playing from the wrong tee for ego reasons. I'm sure this will do lovely things for pacing.

Maybe at the pro level, but I really don't give a shit what the pro's do. They're rejection of a bifurcated ball is because they're unwilling to play golf at a more difficult level than they are right now but for 99% of amateurs this change isn't making golf a better sport.

The more I've thought about this over the last few days the less I think this will matter by the time it impacts amateur golfers in 2030. The manufacturers are going to find some other parameter of the ball to tweak and negate this whole thing. The ball will never be a static aspect of the game short of having a tightly specified design in the rules. There's too much money to be made producing the "best" ball.

I'm sure Titleist marketing is itching to produce a ProV2.
"What people should do and what they actually do are different things. Men's golf already has a problem with people playing from the wrong tee for ego reasons. I'm sure this will do lovely things for pacing."

This is my take as well. I'm not a big hitter. I just want to keep the ball in the fairway. It sucks when guys are hitting from the black tees and they are all over the course, playing from the woods, while I am waiting at the white tees to hit my 230 yard drive.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
Maybe manufacturers will release stuff targeting recreational players?
They do now and no one plays them. There are nonconfirming balls out there that go further than ProV1s.
I just want to keep the ball in the fairway.
These changes will mean more fairways hit for everyone because the ball won’t go as far offline.

This isn’t even “rolling back” the ball. It’s basically capping it now so that guys aren’t hitting it 400 yards in 10 years. This is going back to what the distances were like 5 years ago. Tiger carries it farther now on one leg than he did in his prime swinging out of his shoes. Rory’s gained 40 yards of distance in 10 years or so. The difference for us amateurs is less than a 30 degree temperature change in the air. No one complains if there is a 10mph wind or it’s 50 degrees out, we just play and figure it out. It’s really nothing. I wish they’d truly roll it back to where it was 15-20 years ago but that ain’t happening anytime soon.

I will never understand why people get so fired up about this. Golf’s footprint is entirely too big, full stop. At least they’re doing something, however small.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
And I agree a lot of people play the wrong tees. Lets normalize a world where hitting it 260 is far and people can release their egos and move up a box.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
Oops I missed this part.

Maybe at the pro level, but I really don't give a shit what the pro's do.
It’s way too far at all levels. Go to a junior event or a mid am. Guys hit it 330+ and these courses are building new tee boxes and expanding to host nothing tournaments. Let alone college golf or actual high level ams. I play golf with plenty of good ams in MA who carry it 300+ with ease and they’re just recreational golfers trying to make the cut at the mid AM.

The ball goes way too far for way too many people across the sport. Us losing 5 yards won’t change our enjoyment. No one plays golf because it’s easy.

Average Game James

SoSH Member
Apr 28, 2016
The only thing that would legitimately upset me is if the ball changes enough to throw off all my equipment specs. Not clear to me how the shorter distance will be achieved so don’t know how likely this is. But I think anyone who actually pays for their equipment would have a reasonable gripe if that’s the outcome.

Pablo's TB Lover

SoSH Member
Sep 10, 2017
The only thing that would legitimately upset me is if the ball changes enough to throw off all my equipment specs. Not clear to me how the shorter distance will be achieved so don’t know how likely this is. But I think anyone who actually pays for their equipment would have a reasonable gripe if that’s the outcome.
I dunno, it's kind of a self-correcting sample though. If you care enough about equipment and zeroing in your yardages, then you are probably putting work in at the range and will adjust to the new ball quickly and effectively to choose your clubs out on the course. If you're a hacker who golfs 1-2 times a year, then they'll be like 'wtf with distances on this new ball' as one of their few clean shots per round are struck. But most of the time the ball won't matter as this hacker toe balls another drive off the tee. I kind of fall in between, so I feel like I'll still shoot god-knows-where between 81 and 96 regardless of the ball.

Edit: I may have misread your post and it refers to previously choosing a marginally better set of clubs for a few hundred dollars more in chasing an advantage that may be insignificant now. That is a fair point, although I tend to think the ball construction will be so minute as to not really impact feel one way or another.

CodPiece XL

SoSH Member
Jun 4, 2007
Scottsdale, AZ.
Oooh tell me more.
Not obviously a playing review but just general impressions. The course itself is probably at least a couple of miles south from the main Pinehurst drag. The most noticeable thing is that it's truly hidden away, it's like nobody wants you to know there's a golf course there. This I'm sure will change as more infrastructure goes in. No houses in sight. It reminds me a lot of Congaree, holy crap there's a golf course here??? . If you were going to compare it to a Pinehurst course as far as feel and looks, #4. Lots of general waste areas, but this feels superior. It has a links style feel but tucked into a deep forest. Holes 9 and 15 share the same tee box areas, but feather out in opposite directions into doglegs, like a wishbone. 15 and 17 are the only two holes with water in play. 17 a par 3, you carry water to the green. It's definitely more undulating than any other Pinehurst course, you can tell part of the course was built on an old quarry site. My guess is #11 will be built to the East in a few years. It's not been rated yet but I'll find out from a buddy at the USGA when it will be. I think people are going to love it.

Average Game James

SoSH Member
Apr 28, 2016
Anyone ever play the Driver from Costco? Saw they just released one
It’s their first driver release ever, so doubt many will have hit one yet. In general, since the original KSig ball which was very good, their stuff has been fine but nothing earth shattering. For $200, if I wanted a driver, I’d probably buy one of the Gen 5 PXG ones if only because you’d have more options in terms of fitting.

Comfortably Lomb

Koko the Monkey
SoSH Member
Feb 22, 2004
The Paris of the 80s
Anyone ever play the Driver from Costco? Saw they just released one
Golfwrx has a couple threads:

My gut reaction is if PXG is selling drivers for $200 that's the place to look vs. Kirkland for a new driver at that price point (especially since there are a bunch of shaft options at PXG without additional cost).

The Kirkland has an Evenflow Riptide in it, which is a pretty good shaft if you like the profile (and it seems to be the actual one and not a one-off), BUT it also appears to be a 50g shaft which is very light. Targeting lower swing speeds I think. There don't seem to be any serious performance reviews so who knows how it actually launches, how good it is across the face, etc. I generally think driver is the one club you absolutely want to hit before buying.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Does anyone here have a recommendation for a club fitter in ME/NH or even the Boston area?

I just got back into golf last summer, and after working on my swing a bit I’d like to get some new equipment (playing g15 irons from like 2010 and a Taylor Made SLDR that I think was 2013). I suck, so cleaning up my stuff will make a much bigger difference than any exotic shaft etc- but if I’m dropping a few k on new stuff I’d like to at least confirm that it makes sense and see if there’s any low hanging fruit on the equipment side.

So far I have looked at Golf&Ski in Scarborough/Hudson- but the reviews on the fittings have been mixed. There is a new Club Champion in Portsmouth- sounds like they usually do a good job but the prices could be outrageous for a custom build. Any other suggestions?


Hates Goose Island Beer; Loves Backdoor Play
SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2006
Tuukka's refugee camp
I used TrueSpec to get the, well, specs of what I wanted and then poked around online to build them and save like 30-40%. Good experience with the fitting though my game has improved significantly since then. That said, that's more a me "problem" than a "them" problem.


SoSH Member
Apr 14, 2006
Does anyone here have a recommendation for a club fitter in ME/NH or even the Boston area?

I just got back into golf last summer, and after working on my swing a bit I’d like to get some new equipment (playing g15 irons from like 2010 and a Taylor Made SLDR that I think was 2013). I suck, so cleaning up my stuff will make a much bigger difference than any exotic shaft etc- but if I’m dropping a few k on new stuff I’d like to at least confirm that it makes sense and see if there’s any low hanging fruit on the equipment side.

So far I have looked at Golf&Ski in Scarborough/Hudson- but the reviews on the fittings have been mixed. There is a new Club Champion in Portsmouth- sounds like they usually do a good job but the prices could be outrageous for a custom build. Any other suggestions?
I never heard a positive thing about Club Champions or PGA SuperStore.

I've liked Golfers Warehouse for drivers and fairway woods in the past. The fitters are knowledgeable and low pressure. Irons are a bit tricky because ideally you want to hit them off grass and not a pad.

Average Game James

SoSH Member
Apr 28, 2016
Does anyone here have a recommendation for a club fitter in ME/NH or even the Boston area?

I just got back into golf last summer, and after working on my swing a bit I’d like to get some new equipment (playing g15 irons from like 2010 and a Taylor Made SLDR that I think was 2013). I suck, so cleaning up my stuff will make a much bigger difference than any exotic shaft etc- but if I’m dropping a few k on new stuff I’d like to at least confirm that it makes sense and see if there’s any low hanging fruit on the equipment side.

So far I have looked at Golf&Ski in Scarborough/Hudson- but the reviews on the fittings have been mixed. There is a new Club Champion in Portsmouth- sounds like they usually do a good job but the prices could be outrageous for a custom build. Any other suggestions?
I’ve used Golf & Ski in Hudson in the past - facility is very good, but the overall experience depends a bit on your fitter. If you go there, I would ask for Adam. It will definitely be cheaper as you will be paying retail without the upcharges you get from places like Club Champion or True Spec.

Club Champion will have the broadest set of options, but you do pay for that in the fitting fee. Their build costs are outrageous, so makes no sense to actually buy the clubs there, IMO, but the fittings themselves are very good. I usually get fit there to get the specs and then order my clubs through Peoples Golf (slightly more expensive than retail but equivalent or better build quality to any high end club fitter).


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Thanks for the suggestions everyone! Looking forward to starting with sone new clubs in the spring.