Why Do I Continue to Read Peter King?


The Milton Bradley of SoSH
Jun 21, 2004
In concert, Dylan plays the song in the style of Hendrix. So is it possible that Price was covering Dylan's version of the Hendrix style of the song.


lost his degree
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Jul 20, 2005
My Desk
First, how does a thread about Peter King turn into a discussion about Prince, Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix?

Second, the reason you read Peter King is the same reason that you read the Plant Lady because they both hail from Enfield, Connecticut (an all-American town in 1969) also the hometown of former Bruin Craig Janney (who grew up in the same neighborhood as PK).


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First, how does a thread about Peter King turn into a discussion about Prince, Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix?

Second, the reason you read Peter King is the same reason that you read the Plant Lady because they both hail from Enfield, Connecticut (an all-American town in 1969) also the hometown of former Bruin Craig Janney (who grew up in the same neighborhood as PK).
Are Craig Janney's daughters softball players?

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Peter King goes to France and all he can do is tell us that their internet sucks, people smoke a lot, don't curb their dogs and that their Starbucks isn't as good as America's? Are you kidding me? That's all he had to say about France?

He sounds like my dad when he and my mom went to Mexico. "How was Mexico," I asked. "They don't use real cream in the Dunkin Donuts coffee down there, it was terrible," he answered.

Awesome. I'm glad that my father is now writing Monday Morning Quarterback. Great.

Oh yeah, the opening paragraphs about Normandy? I liked that. The first billion times I've read it. Peter King's greatest strength is that he has awesome connections in the football world, not his writing ability. Stick to giving us why Team A is doing what they're doing and leave the smaltzy shit to Rick Reilly.

I wish I knew the French words for "Mailed In Crap"


directly related to Marilyn Monroe
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Apr 19, 2003
Philadelphia suburb
I'll fulfill the Jewish stereotype by answering a question with a question. Why do you link us to Peter King articles when you feel he sucks so much?


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Feb 19, 2002
New York City
Peter King goes to France and all he can do is tell us that their internet sucks, people smoke a lot, don't curb their dogs and that their Starbucks isn't as good as America's? Are you kidding me? That's all he had to say about France?

I wish I knew the French words for "Mailed In Crap"
Not to trigger a debate on asthetics or anything, but the line about the Musee d'Orsay being the AAA to the Louvre's big leagues is about the stupidest, stereotypically "Ugly American" shit I've ever heard. They're both incredible and they've very different (one focussed, the other sprawling) - why rank them?


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Yoknapatawpha County
I've never read this guy before JMOH started this thread, because I'm not a football fan. This stuff isn't like Shaughnessy- it's just fucking stupid, so I'm getting a kick out of it, actually.

a. Good luck, Tiki Barber. The new world will be a more fun one than your old one. In this one, you get paid for telling the truth. As you know, in modern sports, you often get ripped for telling the truth, even when it's as plain as the nose on your face.
Seriously? Is this guy for real?

DLew On Roids

guilty of being sex
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Aug 30, 2001
The Pine Street Inn
Peter King thinks that people on TV get paid for telling the truth? He must not watch the analysts who consistently refuse to criticize people they have to cover--which is to say, 99% of them. It's easy to pound on Terrell Owens when the masses hate him. How many TV guys call out Marvin Lewis for fucking up a talented Bengals team?

Peter King is a douche.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
From today's MMQB:

a. How sad at the Oscars. The Departed kicked tail. I say that's bad because ... well, have you seen it? Did the gore bother you? The over-the-top, pandering, blood-gurgling murderous spree was too much for me. We must be inured to it by now, because the Academy voted Oscars not only for the movie but also for Martin Scorsese for making the flick. What's next, I wonder. A beheading in Times Square? Gouging someone's eyes out? So sad we seem to be in search of the next great gruesome thing in movies.


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Yoknapatawpha County
From today's MMQB:

a. How sad at the Oscars. The Departed kicked tail. I say that's bad because ... well, have you seen it? Did the gore bother you? The over-the-top, pandering, blood-gurgling murderous spree was too much for me. We must be inured to it by now, because the Academy voted Oscars not only for the movie but also for Martin Scorsese for making the flick. What's next, I wonder. A beheading in Times Square? Gouging someone's eyes out? So sad we seem to be in search of the next great gruesome thing in movies.

Jethro Q. Walrustitty

SoSH Member
Oct 23, 2006
Parts Unknown
From today's MMQB:

a. How sad at the Oscars. The Departed kicked tail. I say that's bad because ... well, have you seen it? Did the gore bother you? The over-the-top, pandering, blood-gurgling murderous spree was too much for me. We must be inured to it by now, because the Academy voted Oscars not only for the movie but also for Martin Scorsese for making the flick. What's next, I wonder. A beheading in Times Square? Gouging someone's eyes out? So sad we seem to be in search of the next great gruesome thing in movies.
Those Damned Jews at Warner Bros. really should know better than to release a movie that glorifies violence like The Departed.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Credit where credit is due department: aside from that piss and moan cuntfest about "The Departed" (seriously, has he ever watched a mob movie before), this was actually a decent article. I don't college football much anymore, so I need articles like this to be brought up to speed on the draft.

Good job, Peter Queen.

Spacemans Bong

chapeau rose
SoSH Member
Not to trigger a debate on asthetics or anything, but the line about the Musee d'Orsay being the AAA to the Louvre's big leagues is about the stupidest, stereotypically "Ugly American" shit I've ever heard. They're both incredible and they've very different (one focussed, the other sprawling) - why rank them?
You think Peter King understands impressionist art? He probably bitched to someone "why couldn't monet paint good???".


stands for life, liberty and the uturian way of li
SoSH Member
Aug 18, 2001
Those Damned Jews at Warner Bros. really should know better than to release a movie that glorifies violence like The Departed.
That was TMQB by Easterbrook on ESPN. Not MMQB by King on SI.


The World's Best Fifer
Dec 9, 2005
The city of Da Bears
King knows more about football than all of us combined and he is particularly useful pre-season for fantasy picks. How come decent writers like BSG and King get shat on? Because we all wish we had that job.


The World's Best Fifer
Dec 9, 2005
The city of Da Bears
Did you even read this thread?
I read the first couple pages of drivel and realized that someone started bitching about their shallow/hallow life and or small penis through the vailed metaphor of Peter King's MMQB. Figured I'd just point out that King talks to Everybody in the NFL and is an excellent source for fans who want insight. His opinions and cawffie-tawk can be shitty but I guess you just have to read between the lines sometimes.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
If we stopped making fun of people who say and do stupid things on the basis of: "Well, they're very talented in other ways, so maybe we should leave them alone," this would be a very boring forum.

Peter King is absolutely a football institution unto himself. But as you said, his coffee talk shit is like reading the diary of Andy Rooney sometimes.


SoSH Member
Nov 18, 2004
The Home of the Flames
Peter King as a worthwhile fantasy analyst? Please.
This man advocated doing anything possible to trade up to take Randy Moss at #1 based on the math of the Randy Ratio a few eyars ago. He also said don't let Danny Wuerrful slip past the 4th round.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Why do read him, anyway?
I read him because he knows a lot about football. Some of the things he says are ridiculous though.

King knows more about football than all of us combined and he is particularly useful pre-season for fantasy picks.
Really? You must've done terrible in your fantasy football league. Terrible.

How come decent writers like BSG and King get shat on? Because we all wish we had that job.
They get shit on because when their columns suck, people say that they suck. It's sort of like when people start posts about the hottest girl ever who works in their office and then posts a blurry picture.

I read the first couple pages of drivel and realized that someone started bitching about their shallow/hallow life and or small penis through the vailed metaphor of Peter King's MMQB.
Do you even get what a metaphor is?

Figured I'd just point out that King talks to Everybody in the NFL and is an excellent source for fans who want insight.
No fucking shit.

His opinions and cawffie-tawk can be shitty but I guess you just have to read between the lines sometimes.
Read between the lines of what, coffeenerdness? What are you talking about?


The World's Best Fifer
Dec 9, 2005
The city of Da Bears
I read him because he knows a lot about football. Some of the things he says are ridiculous though.
Really? You must've done terrible in your fantasy football league. Terrible.

They get shit on because when their columns suck, people say that they suck. It's sort of like when people start posts about the hottest girl ever who works in their office and then posts a blurry picture.
Do you even get what a metaphor is?

No fucking shit.
Read between the lines of what, coffeenerdness? What are you talking about?
I've participated in fantasy one time and won the league. This was in '04 when he said "If you have the #1 pick you have to take Peyton Manning", though I'm not sure how he's done since.

Read between the lines to find out the information he's giving and ignore the inane coffee-chatter and gripes about airport securing and for-pay hotel gyms. Some people are having a really hard time doing that.

Edit: I got Manning at #9 then snagged Marvin Harrison at #12 on the snake back.


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Feb 19, 2002
New York City
I read the first couple pages of drivel and realized that someone started bitching about their shallow/hallow life and or small penis through the vailed metaphor of Peter King's MMQB. Figured I'd just point out that King talks to Everybody in the NFL and is an excellent source for fans who want insight. His opinions and cawffie-tawk can be shitty but I guess you just have to read between the lines sometimes.

Speaking of reading between the lines, anyone think Dr. Z is dumping on the Pats in this recent column?

"...Some coordinators are terrific, but they're emasculated by their head coach. Keith Rowen and Dennis Green in Arizona, for example. Some coordinators never have full say. The head man is always tampering. For years Marty Schottenheimer always interfered with his guys, although he seemed to have cut back on that lately. Some coordinators are left alone, such as Monte Kiffin in Tampa or Jim Johnson in Philly, and the excellence of their work is unquestioned. The other side of the coin is the list of organizations that go through, maybe, three coordinators in four years. What that tells me is that they're not really looking for strong guys in the first place, just yes men, or that the environment is so bad that decent assistants don't want to stay there."

Maybe he's thinking about crappy teams like the Raiders, but the Pats have been going through coordinators quickly recently. On the other hand it's hard to blame the team if every coordinator goes and becomes a head coach somewhere good.


The World's Best Fifer
Dec 9, 2005
The city of Da Bears
Speaking of reading between the lines, anyone think Dr. Z is dumping on the Pats in this recent column?

"...Some coordinators are terrific, but they're emasculated by their head coach. Keith Rowen and Dennis Green in Arizona, for example. Some coordinators never have full say. The head man is always tampering. For years Marty Schottenheimer always interfered with his guys, although he seemed to have cut back on that lately. Some coordinators are left alone, such as Monte Kiffin in Tampa or Jim Johnson in Philly, and the excellence of their work is unquestioned. The other side of the coin is the list of organizations that go through, maybe, three coordinators in four years. What that tells me is that they're not really looking for strong guys in the first place, just yes men, or that the environment is so bad that decent assistants don't want to stay there."

Maybe he's thinking about crappy teams like the Raiders, but the Pats have been going through coordinators quickly recently. On the other hand it's hard to blame the team if every coordinator goes and becomes a head coach somewhere good.
Nah, because if Denny "We-thought-they-were" Green and the Cards are his shining example then the Pats aren't even close to this discussion. Poorest run vs. best run team. I doubt he forgot that the Pats won 3 SBs in the salary cap/parody era and then were 1 Rodney Harrison away in '06 (and some very questionable officiating calls) then the same situation more or less in '07. Pats coordinators are so highly sought for their successes and knowledge they have from being in the inner circle of the NFL's model franchise. From what I could tell Weis/Crennel called all the plays during the SB era and this year's O-Coordinator called them exclusively, albeit they were often terrible plays.


Skrub's sympathy case
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Jul 19, 2005
Boston, NY
From what I could tell Weis/Crennel called all the plays during the SB era and this year's O-Coordinator called them exclusively, albeit they were often terrible plays.
How exactly could you tell who was calling what? I don't recall the Pats ever disclosing the extent to which anyone called the plays on offense since Weis left, and the Pats have never been open kimono on this issue during the BB era.


The World's Best Fifer
Dec 9, 2005
The city of Da Bears
How exactly could you tell who was calling what? I don't recall the Pats ever disclosing the extent to which anyone called the plays on offense since Weis left, and the Pats have never been open kimono on this issue during the BB era.
One way is that I've watched every game and you could visably see Weis sending them to Brady. As for this year's shitty play calling, I'm not 100% sure but I had pretty good idea Belichick wasn't calling much if any of the offense.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
King takes a shot at the Sox FO in today's column.

"d. Second: Bronson Arroyo. Now there's a guy I'd like to have on my team. (Wait! He was on my team. And somebody traded him for Wily Mo Pena!) You'll get a kick out of the anecdote he told me for the SI baseball preview issue, which comes out in a couple of weeks. It's about him making peace with Theo Epstein. (I can't give it away here.)"

What a fucking dipshit. And why the fuck should I care about Arroyo making peace with Theo Epstein? In many ways, Arroyo owes his fucking career to Theo Epstein. But let me guess: does it have something to do with signing a huge contract extension with Cincinnati?

Also, he then brings up two ex-Sox players, Mark Loretta and Lou Merloni. He goes as far as saying "Mark Loretta. Drew Brees. Same guy." I'm assuming this is because they look alike? I don't really know, but if he's comparing them as athletes...well, that's fucking retarded.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 20, 2003
Titletown of the Aughts
King takes a shot at the Sox FO in today's column.

"d. Second: Bronson Arroyo. Now there's a guy I'd like to have on my team. (Wait! He was on my team. And somebody traded him for Wily Mo Pena!) You'll get a kick out of the anecdote he told me for the SI baseball preview issue, which comes out in a couple of weeks. It's about him making peace with Theo Epstein. (I can't give it away here.)"

What a fucking dipshit. And why the fuck should I care about Arroyo making peace with Theo Epstein? In many ways, Arroyo owes his fucking career to Theo Epstein. But let me guess: does it have something to do with signing a huge contract extension with Cincinnati?

Also, he then brings up two ex-Sox players, Mark Loretta and Lou Merloni. He goes as far as saying "Mark Loretta. Drew Brees. Same guy." I'm assuming this is because they look alike? I don't really know, but if he's comparing them as athletes...well, that's fucking retarded.
Peter King's unrepentant boner for the white hustle player makes me sick that he is a Sox fan. Give him a no-talent gamer anyday over Manny.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
he's jinxing the pats today:

Quote of the Week II

"What they've done up there is remarkable in this new era of football. They win three Super Bowls in four years, and now it looks like they've put themselves in position to contend for quite a while.''
-- Former Chargers coach Marty Schottenheimer, on the Patriots' frenetic offseason.
e. He said the Bears had a seven-year, $33-million contract offer on the table for Lance Briggs last year, but haven't offered him a multi-year deal this offseason. It's either play the year at $7.2 million (poor guy), sit out (he'll never do that) or hope some team comes to the Bears (the Patriots?) and says, "We'll give you a low first-round pick for Briggs,'' and then signs him to a $7 million-a-year deal with $20 million guaranteed.
... I said, "The Patriots ought to send the 28th pick to Chicago for him. The Bears would have to take that, wouldn't they, rather than have a pissed-off player?'' Rosenhaus said: "From your lips to God's ears.''

DLew On Roids

guilty of being sex
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The Pine Street Inn
e. What language is it that Bill Raftery speaks, actually?
I think it's Bestanalystontvese. Maybe you should study him, Peter.

k. Just discovering the iPod, one of the great inventions of all time, and my one recent find was Norah Jones. What an incredible voice. Shows what a music dolt I am that I barely knew her.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Peter King might be the worst Fantasy Sports player ever.

Also, way to throw David Carr under the bus, fat man. Jesus, maybe ONE reference to his awful O-Line would have been appropriate?

He basically says "Carr sucks, and he's a pussy", but not before saying "Good for Kubiak for not kissing [Carr's] butt. Smooches aren't what he needs."